-Haunted house-

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A/U: So like this takes place BEFORE Bob took Strebers arm just so y'all know. (That'll happen later ;) ) Anyways enjoy :)


Your name is y/n you live in a small quiet neighborhood, your house is very empty since you have just moved in. Boxes and random objects are neatly stacked on top of each-other. You lay tired on your bedroom floor, exhausted. You have been moving furniture in and out of you're house all day, you feel as if an elephant is sitting on your whole body. You sigh, staring up at the ceiling. You gather up enough energy to pick your phone up from next to you and look at the time, 12 am already? You've spent so long cleaning and getting shit into the house that you've lost track of time. You let out a long, loud groan before getting up and walking to the kitchen to get the only snack you had unpacked. You jumped up on the kitchen island and sat down, eating your snack. You scrolled on your phone as you finished your snack. You sighed and hopped off the kitchen island, it was late already. You decided to go to bed on your bedroom floor.

//——— Time skip ———//

The loud alarm pierced your ears as you shot up. "Damn alarm.." you muttered and turned it off. You rubbed your eyes and yawned, you looked around your empty room and all the boxes you had to unpack. You slumped down and sighed, 'I don't want to do this shiiiit..' you think to yourself. You grab your phone to check the time. 11:02 am, 'woke up late again...' you shook your head and got up. This is the one thing that you were not looking forward to when moving into this town. You sighed and walked out of the room, you'll deal with this later. You decided to take a walk through the neighborhood to get to know it better. 'Where did I put my clothes...' you thought to yourself, rummaging around in random boxes. After the fith, or so box you managed to find a white T-shirt, a coat and some jeans, enough to get through a walk through town. You quickly put it on, grabbed you keys and went outside, the cold air hit you but you found it calming. You close and lock your door and step onto the sidewalk. Cars drove past every now and again causing a fast breeze to hit you, but you didn't mind it.

You walk by shops and look into their windows as you walk past. Just standard furniture stores and restaurants. None of them really catch your eye. You walk past a pole there was a flier on the pole that caught your interest. You took it and on the flier read, 'Come volunteer at the haunted house for a spooky night! Open on Sundays and Saturdays.' You smile, I haven't done anything like this in a while and you always love helping, so why not? The address is written on the bottom corner, it was a bit early and the haunted house wouldn't open until 5pm so you had time. You stuffed the flier into the pocket of your coat and continued walking through the neighborhood. The fall leaves crunched under your feet as you walked. 'I think it's time to go back home..' you sighed. You had to unpack before anything. You didn't want to live in an empty house. As you walked back, to your house, you thought about the haunted house. How excited you were to volunteer for it.

You got to your house. Finally. You looked around and sighed..let's get this over with.

//———Time skip———//

You've put away a couple boxes and furniture when you checked your phone. 4:58 pm... "it's time I guess." You sighed and stretched. Even though it was a few boxes, it sure took a lot out of you. But you wanted to go anyways. You walked over to your door and walked out. The haunted house was walking distance so you decided to walk. You pulled the flier out and read the address. You sighed and put it back in your pocket. You began walking to the house, the street lights illuminated the sidewalk, it was very peaceful. You stopped in-front of a big house with a giant skeleton wrapped around it. "This is definitely the place." You said to yourself as you walked to the front. And looked around, a slight tap on your shoulder made you jump and quickly turn around. A slim dark haired guy —probably in his early 20's — holding some sort of confetti, he waved. "Hello!" He looked down and saw the flier in your hand. "Ah! You're here to volunteer? Great great!" He smiles wider and motions for you to follow him as he walks into the haunted house. You follow him in the house and look around, it was a typical fright house, fake cobwebs and spiders, broken windows etc. there were other people putting up decorations and such. The man who you assumed owns this place turns to you, "oh, sorry, hello. I'm Streber. Pleasure to meet you mx(mr/ms)..." he pauses waiting for your answer. You smile and say, "Y/N. You too, Streber!" He nods and proceeds to tell you what to do and where to put shit.

//———Time skip———//

After hours and hours of decorating it was finally time for everyone to go. Streber claps his hands together loudly "good job everyone!" He cheers, "This haunted house is already coming together!" Everyone eventually leaves and you are left with Streber, he seems to be putting supplies away, you've decided to help him. "Here." You start, he jumps and turns his head to you. "I'll help." You warmly smile to him, Streber gives a slight smile back, "Thanks, Y/N! I'm glad someone stayed to help this time." He motions you over and turns back to the supplies. You go over to help him. You start putting shit away and laughing. Hours fly by fast. When you both had finished, it was already 10 pm. Streber gets up and stretches, "it's dark. Maybe I should walk you home..?" he offers, looking down at you. You get up and think about his offer for a moment then nod. "Sure why not?" You get up as well, Streber grabs some keys and walks out, you follow him and turn the lights off. When you walk out he locks the door and puts his keys away. "Now, let's go." You start, "my house isn't far from here."  You begin to walk and Streber quickly follows after. You two talk and laugh as you walk back to your house. You've only met a few hours ago but you feel connected to Streber. Before you know it your house was already there. "Oh, this is it." You stop in front of it and look to Streber. He nods, "I had lots of fun, Y/N! See you maybe.. tomorrow?" He offers. You smile and say, "of course."

After you two say your goodbyes, Streber leaves and you lay on the couch you put together. You can finally relax in piece. You are horribly tired and feel as if you're gonna pass out just laying down. You decide to skip dinner and sleep since you aren't hungry anyways.


Didn't know how to end this lol.
But I finished chapter 1 only in two days I'm so proud of myself :)
Anyways until next time y'all.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2022 ⏰

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