' Chapter 1 '

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Chica let out a heavy sigh, timidly walking towards the kitchen. The kitchen was her safe place, her solalice. Bonnie was gone now. Her best friend, her brother basically. He watched her grow into the animatronic she was today and now he's gone. Over some sick, stupid prank she enabled. She worried for Freddy. He'd insist he's fine but she would walk by his greenroom and peek through the curtains at times. He was broken. He was isolating himself and holding himself accountable for it.

Chica held herself accountable too. But unlike Freddy, she deserved it.

She did what she had to to stay afloat, she tries justifying. She has never been very popular compared to her other band mates, including Foxy. She was just never good enough for people. She was either too annoying, or had no personality. She was too fat, too feminine, too sexy, too thin. She was too ugly, she was basic. She was boring, she was too perky. No matter what form or role she took, there was always something wrong with her.

The first three she remembers meeting and truly knowing was Freddy, Bonnie, and Foxy. She was added for the little girls out there when they realized there were only male animatronics left. She was the new cute one while the three of them were already friends, and soon, her friendship with the three boys became more of a family. By family, they all just acted like annoying older brothers to her. They'd tease and harass her, but also defend her and support her no matter what. She truly loved and trusted all of them. She really had no idea of Freddy and Bonnie's secret, or how long it went on. She had always just assumed they were best friends. She wishes they had told her. Had she known, maybe she could've helped keep their secret before Roxy and Monty found out.

She wishes she could tell Freddy how sorry she is. Poor bear must have felt humiliated because of Roxy and Monty. They overstepped a massive boundry and breached her friends' privacy, which she still held against them. Speak of the devil, she hears footsteps behind her.

She turned her head to see it was Roxy coming her direction. Chica groaned quietly in frustration and turned to her.

"Hey Chica! What are you doin' by the kitchen?" She asked, jogging forward. Chica huffed.

"None of your business, Roxanne." She replied snarkily. Roxy rolled her eyes, grinning.

"What are you mad about?" She asked. Chica felt her systems heat up as rage built up in her system.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK I'M ANGRY ABOUT?!" She yells. Roxanne's ears drop.

"I-...Chica, come on. It was an accident-" she was cut off.

"You're dumb accident killed my friend!' Chica snapped.

Roxanne got defensive as well. "My dumb accident?! You were in it too, you're not any better!" Roxy growled. She had expected nothing but rage on Chica's face.

Chica recoiled and huddled in on herself, crossing her arms tightly. She stared down at the floor hoping to hide her contorting face and the oil building up in her eyes. Seeing this reaction, Roxanne realized what she had said and felt a wave of guilt hit her like a truck.

"Chica, look. That was dumb, let me explai-" she walked over and placed a comforting hand on Chica's shoulder. Chica shoved her hand away, scowling. Before Roxy could respond Chica stormed back towards her greenroom, suddenly losing her appetite.

Chica needed comfort, needed help. The only place she could think of was Freddy, she had just hoped he'd be awake this late.

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