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To Elliot, boxing was like a ballet; except there's no music, no choreography, and the dancers hit each other.

And even though it didn't make her feel girly in any way, it made her feel independent. "I don't need a man," she would remind herself every time she'd pass couples in the hallways.

"It's revolting really," Elliot muttered. A soft sigh let her lips as she tore her gaze away from the couple snogging up against the lockers. "I don't need that."

And whenever she felt this way, depressed or thinking things she shouldn't, she carried her butt to the gym. But sadly she couldn't just skip school. And she was damn glad she didn't skip later on.

School bored her on most occasions actually. But, sometimes it got interesting. For instance, how would you feel is perhaps your best friend, the most confusing, bi-polar person you have ever met, likes to see how much of a banana he could fit in his mouth every single day at lunch?

Elliot supposed she didn't mind, but watching Kiefer Kigali stuffing a seven inch banana down how throat made her want to vomit herself. "Must you do that every day?" She asked him when she approached their usual table. A circular table fit for six, but only sported the two of them.

"Must you speak like a posh Englishman?" He countered, and watched as her lips curled up into a smile.

"I must, I mean we are reading Shakespeare's Hamlet."

"Ah, to be or not to be, that is the question," Kiefer bellowed and put one foot upon the table as he stood and held the banana high above his head. Elliot laughed. Not a cute I'm flirting with you so flirt back laugh, a throwing your head back and waiting till your face turned red laugh. But society didn't seem to find his display as funny as she.

"Sit down you fag! I can see your Victoria's Secret thong from here!" Some kid with two girls on either side of him said. His friends all laughed and nodded, high fiving him as if he had just won the award for Most Originality Towards Insulting Kiefer Kigali. In which he didn't. Kiefer merely snorted and flipped him off with a scowl.

"Kiss my ass Jefferson! It's more voluptuous then the two on your lap!" And before Jefferson could retaliate, he grabbed Elliot's hand and dragged her from the overly filled cafeteria in seconds.

"He's so gay for me," Kiefer said once the pair was far enough from the cafeteria.

"Oh, I couldn't tell." She said sarcastically.

Kiefer continued to ramble about such things, but that was far from her mind. A figure, just passing the corner to walk down the hall they were walking down, had caught her eye. It might have been the way he wore all black to try and not be noticed, or how he was nearly a foot taller then she, but he defiantly got her attention.

His hair was cropped short and there were hints of bruises on his collar bone and jaw. His eyes were dark and sinister almost, like he was ready to snap at any moment. Had she not been so intrigued, she would have been scared of him. Maybe she was and she didn't even know it yet! But despite of all the tough and scary aspects of him, she couldn't deny that he was drop dead gorgeous.

The boy must have felt her gaze on him, because in an instant his golden brown eyes met her dull blue ones. But before Elliot could really get a good look at him, he was gone.

"Who was that hunk?" Kiefer asked and glanced over his shoulder.

"Don't you dare turn around. Keep looking forward and walk," Elliot hissed, a blush creeping upon her neck.

"Ohh~! I see what's going on!" He snickered and crossed his arms over his broad chest. "You think he's a hunk too."

"Is that a crime?" She rolled her eyes at his immaturity.

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