3 | Flower

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~ No one will know the violence it took to become this gentle ~

Three days. He's been able to keep Posie a secret for three days now and it's been the most stressful experience of his life. But all in the same, he's thrilled she's here, even though most of the time his face is void of any expression.

The sooner he can learn more words with the help of his book and Posie, the sooner things can make sense to her. He's studied that book every chance he got. Even when she went to sleep, he'd stay up late and read.

His advance senses helped him notice everything. Though he pretended not to notice, he'd catch Posie watching him at times- studying him. He didn't mind, it didn't seem to be out a judgement, but rather out of curiosity.

It was often at nighttime she'd watch him. That's when he was the closest. They still slept on the floor, Posie refused to sleep in the same bed as him. Well, she slept on the makeshift couch he made, he slept on the floor. He just wanted her to be comfortable. This was her home now too, even though she didn't understand that yet.

He was very disappointed with the human race at the moment. He thought higher of the leaders that sent her to him. He thought she willingly came here, but considering her response to him, he now thought otherwise.

It was now his job as her mate to make her comfortable and happy. To make her feel safe and loved in his presence. He had to win her over.

Though there was currently no women on his planet, he knew what women were. There were still customs and traditions his kind were taught in their upbringing on how to supply for your family, how to support your wife, how to care and cherish her, etc... It was all taught from what their ancestors left behind in countless books.

It was all about providence for his kind. He was to provide everything for her. Food, shelter, a home, love, support, you name it. To provide her with food showed he was skillful and that he could take care of her... Though she didn't seem to care for his food very much.

Another thing his kind did out of respect, whether it was a mate, elder, or father figure, was to provide gifts. So, that brought him to where he was now.

He crouched next to her sleeping form, his gift clutched delicately between his fingers. He placed it at her side for now, deciding it might be best to treat her wound while she was unconscious.

He focused very intensely on being gentle. He was genuinely shocked when he accidentally scratched her the other day. Her skin was far more delicate than his. His skin was smooth to the touch, but thick and tough. It wasn't easy to pierce. His diamond-like scales that littered his left shoulder, arm, pec, and a bit of his neck were on a whole different level. It acted as body armor, nearly impenetrable.

He never had to be so... gentle before. His hands alone were weapons, meant for skillfully maiming and ripping flesh. It was dishonorable if you didn't know how to fight. You let your people down if you weren't a good warrior. You should have trained harder. It's what they were born to do. Especially Kyros. The same with hunting, if you don't hunt, that means you can't provide for your people. You let them down.

Yet with these hands so adapt to killing and fighting, he'd never lay a hand on Posie. His hands were made to protect her, not hurt her. Nurture her, not harm her. Tend to her, not accidentally scratch her like he did the other day. He still hadn't forgiven himself for that. It wasn't too often he made a mistake.

As carefully as he possibly could, he used his claw to cut the vines that held a leaf-bandage to her wound. Once those were cut loose, it was easy to remove the leaf and assess the wound.

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