I. A daring discovery

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Last warning. This book will be filled to the brim with violence, abusive actions, language, ect. Please do not complain to me about what I chose to write in my book because I have already warned you all once in the description AND here. Also my book chapters will be short and not long due to my school life taking up so much of my time! I am sorry if you were expecting something much much longer but I can't handle the stress of writing a long chapter while in school! So, for right now I want to write something short and easy but, just to make up for that! I will write twice a week. Chapters will be published on Tuesdays and Fridays since I have after-school band on Mondays and Wednesdays! Thanks for understanding what I am going through! With that said, please do enjoy!^^

Sam could feel the warm-cold-ish air hit his skin and the boat that was creaking/rocking back and forth slowly under his feet after every step that he took, he placed a bit of bait worms on the hook of his fishing rod and had took a big guff of air then slung the rod as far as he could get it into the blue-green-ish water while also taking his time and watching it just sit there for what already felt like hours but at least they were peaceful ones 'I wonder what I can make at home with the fish that I actually wanna eat and not sell' he pondered for a moment and took a seat on his boat tossing his head back and whistling quietly to himself 'I also wonder how much I can get for all of the fish that I caught today anyways' he squinted his eyes at the sunny sky before closing them and just relaxing there until his boat got bumped by something that made him tumble a lot "Ouch" he muttered to himself as he checked his knee for any slight scraping that might have been made but he was taken aback when his rod started moving aggressively 'Woah, this fish must weigh like a ton' he smiled widely to himself 'Father will be so proud' he cheekily grinned and tried to reel his rod back in but no matter how much strength he put on the damn thing he couldn't reel it back in and ended up tumbling off of his boat "Woah woah woah!!" he screamed trying to catch the boat but instead had made a big splash noise when he hit the water below, he slowly closed his eyes so no water would get into his vision and held his breath as he started to swim to the top of the water, once he had got there he was coughing harshly while swimming back over to his boat and got back on it 'Damnnit! The fish got away' he slapped his forehead while laying his head on the end of the boat and looked back to the water, soon his eyes were growing wide as he scurried to get up "W-What the fuck!" he looked at the head peering above the water staring at him 'Oh. It's just a human, like me! That was rather rude of me to say such a thing to a person who might need help' he bit his lip and coughed "Sorry, you just startled me...Sir" he rubbed his neck "Here let me help you out" he extended a hand out to him, which the man then looked at it and screeched loudly enough that it was causing the birds to fly away and Sam to block his ears from it, he grabbed the sides of the boat to hold himself steady and managed to open one of his eyes which caused both of his eyes to widen at the sight that he just had seen, though he wondered was it even fear that he was feeling...? Maybe it was admiration? Maybe it was both because he may have just seen the most daring thing to ever swim this earth! He watched the glittery tail of the creature swim below and away from his view 'I must tell my family!' he felt sparkles in his eyes

At the crack of dawn, Sam busted through the home that belonged to his family while drenching in water and a bit of sweat since he was running to tell them the greatest news ever "MOTHER. FATHER!" he called out but the only thing that he had heard was the ever lasting silence and he knew once again they were gone for the whole week without him 'Oh....Right' he gulped as he placed his rod to the side of the door-frame while walking to the table looking at the counter that had held a note that his mother had wrote him telling him that they had gone on another important trip and are terribly sorry that they left before he could even arrive, he sighed and took some fish from his bag that was full of it, gutting them and then cutting them in slices to cook on the stove 'I guess I will have fried fish..Alone...Again' he sniffled a bit but then thought of the creature that he had encountered while going fishing 'He was...Rather pretty for a human creature. I wonder if I should give him some food since I got so much fish' he gulped and leaned on the counter 'Would it be risky?' he placed his fingers on his lips and thought 'would he even eat fried fish?' He looked at the bag full of fish and took a fish out 'I guess I can bring a raw one just in case' he smiled then whistled to himself happily as he grabbed two different containers from the cabinet dumping in the fried fish and then the raw fish into each one, separating them from fried to raw 'Perfect' he walked over to his bag and grabbed it 'I'm sure my new fishy friend will love this!' he paused his thinking talks 'Wait, I can't say friend yet! We just met' he pursed his lips "Friend...I will make you my friend" he muttered in the quiet empty house 'Hopefully'

End of chapter 1.

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