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I can't believe they left them to rot here lucas said these people look poor amicia said they must be from the slum outside lucas said i waited by the door as i leaned on the wall i hated to see people like this i know the rats are here i can feel it i know when their close how come nobody noticed their disappearance amicia said

maybe nobody cares lucas said as they got closer maybe she said then out of no where i felt a hand on my shoulder i looked to see my sister here another symbol lucas said pointing at the door i stood by well let's get in then she said as i opened the door you think the symbols will lead to him amicia said yes...look an opening up there lucas said while pointing up

there must be a way to climb up she said i looked around and seen a cart over here i said while walking up to a push cart good idea amber lucas said as we all grabbed on to the cart and pulled it back this could help amicia said if vaudins here hes in trouble i said he knows the bite he must be avoiding the sick lucas said lucas...if all these people here were bitten it means amicia said maybe not...a sick person could have brought it inside the city he said as we finally pushed the cart against the wall i climbed up the cart then the wall i knelt down and reached for amicia and lucas's hand pulling them up i walked ahead under here i said as i got under

please no a man said crying out i looked around trying to see where that came from amicia and lucas crawled under and waited people shhh lucas said what now amicia said as i seen a man run in to the room and backed in to a corner with another man with a metal helmet hot on his trial where is he talk the man said i dont know him i swear the guy said as he tried to reason with the man you pice of the man said as he pushed the poor guy back i made fists not good lucas said he has a helmet i can't do anything amicia said but i can i said crawling out i pulled out my dagger and slowly walked to the man amber no lucas said quietly i grabbed him stabbing my dagger in to his neck while covering his mouth

i set his body down thank god thank you miss the guy said your safe now are you ok i said y..yes i am now that your here he said as amicia and lucas came out from under the table get some where safe ok now go i said guiding him to the table we came from again thank you miss he said i nod as he left i looked to see amicia giving me the look what he was going to do something to that man i said you didn't have to kill him lucas said he probably killed half of these people here i said amber amicia said as she tried to place a hand on my shoulder don't scold me i know what had to be done i didn't like it either know what never mind let's move on i said pushing past them


Look over there...another symbol lucas said good but...lucas if these people fell ill it means...some must have been bitten amicia said i've seen no signs of attack lucas said not yet...anyways let's go amicia said she jumped down as she landed a man came tackling her AMICIA i said i dropped down and grabbed my cross bow and shot at the man LOOK OUT lucas said as he dropped down he grabbed my arm pulling me away as a arrow almost hit me SHIT i said i aimed at the archer and shot at him getting him in the shoulder i put my cross bow away and took out my sword as a big guy walked toward us get back i said as i took a stance a..amber amicia said i closed my eyes trying to calm my heart as i waited for the right moment

when he was right where i needed him i pushed myself forward and attacked the man AGH he said as he tried to steady himself but didn't let him as i spun and cut his stomach i land on my knee and pulled out my cross bow shooting at the archer hitting him in the head as i stabbed the man in the stomach AMICIA YOUR SLING i said as i ran at some more guys i kicked a man as i sliced ones neck clean open and shot another archer

when he was right where i needed him i pushed myself forward and attacked the man AGH he said as he tried to steady himself but didn't let him as i spun and cut his stomach i land on my knee and pulled out my cross bow shooting at the archer hitti...

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