Looks like we have some brits now

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Lore chapter
1,060 words
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Before we walk out of the cave, Dream grabs my wrist stopping me and he adjusts his mask "Have you thought this through all the way?" "Yeah, I just don't care about the Consequences." I respond with a shrug, not hesitating with my response. He lets go of my wrist and we grab our weapons, him with an axe and me with a dagger and a hidden crossbow. We walk out of the cave after I look out one final time to make sure that we are good to go.

We quietly make our way up to the three brits and I look at Dream and point at the ground in a way that tells him to wait where he is. He nods and stops walking and I grab my crossbow instead of my dagger and then I make sure it is loaded. It was and I am so glad it was because it is so loud to load. I get close to the boys and slowly and quietly unfold my wings then the vines from my cave entrance come up to where my feet stand. The vines move forward more and as they get closer to Wilbur the grass around me shoots out into a black color like water ripples when you throw a rock in a pond.

The boys look down and notice this then they look behind them. The image that faces them is one truly of a god. Wings fully out with my eyes glowing as the weather shifts.

Btw this kinda what we look like rn and is a good example of what the full size of our wings are 👇

 The vines quickly wrap around wilburs ankles and force him to the ground "Sh!t" Wilbur groans from the impact of him hitting the ground

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The vines quickly wrap around wilburs ankles and force him to the ground "Sh!t" Wilbur groans from the impact of him hitting the ground. Tommy steps over to help him. "No." I tell him forcefully and step over to Wilbur and he looks up at me from the floor.

I step between Wilbur and Tommy and look at Tommy with a blank face. I step back so I can grab wilbur. "Dream!" I call out to him and he walks out, trying his best to hide his shock. I place out my hand and he hands me a sharper and lightly larger dagger and I squat down and grab Wilbur from his arms. (okay so wilbur is like laying on his stomach on the floor with his hands tied behind his back bc of the vines - big props to them :) - and then y/n grabs wilbur by his arms that are tied together and lifts him up like that ) 👍

I lift Wilbur up and hold the new dagger to his neck and walk back and into the cave and leave Dream standing in front of the other two Brits, both in shock of what had just happened. Right before I walk into the cave with Wilbur, Tommy chooses to be the hero. "WILBUR!" He yells out and runs at us. Dream reaches his arm out to grab Tommy and he holds him in place and looks over to me to see what to do next and I throw Wilbur onto the ground. He coughs and groans when he hits the floor "what the f*ck?" He asks looking up to me but I ignore him and put the dagger in my boot and look at a terrified tubbo and pull out my crossbow and place one foot on wilburs back and look at Tommy and point the crossbow at him. "Let Tommy go." I say as I look at Dream then down at Wilbur and see the two boys making eye contact before Tommy and tubbo look at eachother and share a look and as soon as Dream looks away tubbo runs off. "Dream, grab him please." I say feeling annoyed. "And Tommy, you stay right there if you want Wilbur to see another day." I tell him sternly and move the crossbow from facing Tommy to the back of Wilburs head with my foot still on his back.

A minute or so later Dream comes back with a certain short British boy that is thrown over Dream's shoulder. Tubbo is hitting Dream's back trying to get down but Dream just walks over to us. Tommy tries to run up to Dream and tubbo so to stop him. I use my free hand and snap the band of the crossbow and it lets out a sharp snapping sound and that catches all of the boys attention. Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo and Dream all look my way and I stare in the direction of Dream and look down at Wilbur with a plain, bored expression on my face.

I look Tommy right in the eyes before I start talking. "Dream, watch them for me real quick. I'll be right back Tommy." I say without breaking eye contact. I then lean down and grab Wilbur by his arms, just like I did before. With his height difference it made things a little tricky but I lean right next to his ear and whisper to him a message he needs to know. "Go along with this and follow me or I swear wilbur, you won't see tommy or tubbo again." I tell him that quietly but sternly. I feel his body stutter as we start walking backwards and into the cave and I see Dream managing to hold back both Tommy and Tubbo from running up to me and wilbur.

Me and Wilbur make it into the cave and I find some rope before the vines let go of him and I grab him from the hem of his shirt and lead him to a dark room. "Now don't be difficult Wilbur, have a seat, won't you?" I 'ask' him. He hesitates but sits down and I tie him to the chair and place a blindfold over his eyes. "Surrender." Is all I say before grabbing my sword and hitting him over the head with the end of it, making him pass out.

I walk out of the cave and toss Dream the rope and wait as he ties the two boys to separate trees.

"Looks like we have some Brit's now" I say with a sigh as I look at the two boys tied to trees then back at dream.

C!Dream X Y/N {When two gods meet}Where stories live. Discover now