Oh come on

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It's been a few days sense our walk in the woods together. I hate myself, I can already feel myself falling for this man. It doesn't help that I'm sitting right next to him in front of a lake. I find myself wanting to spend all my free time with him and be as far away from him as possible at the same time.

Screw love.
Screw feelings.
Screw my god d*nm emotions.

We've been sitting here for a while just looking at the clouds before he sits up right quickly and looks over to me through his smile mask, his grin though, I'm able to see that. "What reckless idea do you have now dreamie?" I ask him, using the nickname he claims to 'hate'

"Let's go swimming!" he says sounding like a child. "Okay 1. I don't have a swim suit and 2. I don't know how to swim" I say looking at him, now sitting up as well. His jaw drops "well this simply won't do, now will it?" He says mischievously "what are you planning?" I ask suspiciously but instead of answering he picks me up bridal style.

This b*tch really just picked me up.

I sigh, not even trying to get down knowing I won't be able to. Until he starts walking toward the lake. "No. No. Bad dream. Put me down." I say sternly but as he gets closer I start fighting against his grin to get down. I try unfolding my wings but he has his arms placed where I can't "DREAM!" I yell as he throws me into the water. I sink down towards the bottom trying to fight my way up, not being able to.

Dream pov:
I toss her into the water and laugh as she yells my name. I take off my mask and wait for her to come up from the water. I wait a few seconds and start getting worried

She should be up by now.

I look around and quickly throw my shoes off near my mask and jump in the water. I jump in and rise to the surface and look for her "Y/N?!" I don't get a response and dive back under the water and swim around trying to find her. I come up to get air and start panicking as I still can't find y/n. I get out of the water so I could look in from a better angle and that's when I see her.

She's in a god d*nm tree.

"HII!!" She yells out to me from her place on a tree branch. I yell back to her "WHAT THE F**K?!" She laughs a little and jumps out of the tree, wings spreading out and she swoops down and soars over to me, spinning over the lake so her wing dips into the water and making it fly up. She lands smoothly next to me and folds her wings back. She smooths out her shirt and clears her throat and then sternly looks up to me, placing her hands on her hips.

It's cute when she looks angry.

"You sir. Tried to drown me." She states before her face goes pale and she steps back. I look behind me, thinking that's what it had to be. Before I look back to her and she's looking down at something, turned away from me now.

S**t my mask. I took it off when I jumped in the water.

My hand automatically goes up to my eye and traces the scar down my face, all the way from my eye to my chin. My hand falls back down to my side as she bends down to pick up my mask.

"You.. kinda forgot this in the floor. I'm sorry." She says handing me the mask looking down at the ground.

It's not that big of a deal to me so I make the excellent choice and start talking "what, am I that ugly?" I say pretending to be upset "not hot enough for you" I say placing my hand on my chest pretending to cry. She looks up to me scared and starts talking "no no no! I just feel bad because I made you take off your mask when you might not have been ready to show me." She says rambling. I just chuckle and tilt her chin up with two fingers so she looks at me. "I was ready a while ago." I say

Y/n pov:
"I was ready a while ago" he says and I feel my face blush but before I can say anything, he falls sideways onto the ground, blood pooling near his ribs. The grass and plants around us all turn black as I feel my body get filled with fear and confusion. I hear some bushes move and look up to see a two people in the bushes and fear washes over their face as anger washed over mine. I look down at dream again and make at them, and they start running off. "I'll be back." I say, bending down to dream and standing up quickly, my wings immediately unfold and I fly up over the trees, scanning for the boys.

I find them and follow them from behind for a second then fold my wings back, rapidly falling and the trees fold over the where I fall so I land on the soft pine branches rather than the ground. The pines turn brown as the leaves die once I land but I'm quick to jump down from them and pull back the younger boy whilst I land thanking myself for being telekinetic. He gets pulled to the floor and I run up to him before the older boy could.

I picked him up by the collar of his blue and red uniform and pull him against my chest holding a blade to his throat spreading out my wings, ready to cover us both from the older boy as I say  "who the h*ll do you think you are?" I state, the grass turning black, instead of dying. Wither roses rise up and create a circle around me and the boys. "Try to leave, both of you die. Either to the roses or a blade, to what, your little brother?" I say after they don't respond. My anger rising.

Sorry for that quick transition and that Juno start of lore but I like this chapter :)
-1080 words

C!Dream X Y/N {When two gods meet}Where stories live. Discover now