✭ back to work ✭

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One foot in front of the other, I walk into the elevator after clearing the security entrance to the FBI facility in Quantico. The smell of freshly cleaned and sanitized surfaces engulfs me as I focus on the rising elevator numbers glitching across the now outdated screen. I know I said to hotch that what I really needed was a way back to work, but I guess I assumed he wouldn't allow it two days after I'd been released from the hospital for my wounds from our last case. Tobias had injected me with some type of knock off heroin and other hallucinatory drugs and by now they have cleared my system but I need more. Everything hurts now that ive been detoxed. the light from the fluorescent ceiling bulbs is pounding in my head, the overwhelming scent of lemon from the cleaner i've been around too long is suffocating me, and most importantly this elevator ride is over meaning im about to face my coworkers who will hopefully hide their concerned expressions until i leave the room and keep their comments to themselves when i come in with unironed pants on and no signature scarf or matching sweater vest to go with my button down shirt."Hey kid" Morgan says to me as I push through the glass door facing his desk with a coffee in hand. I nod with a slight smile and point to the earbuds dangling from my ears. Although this wasn't out of the ordinary for me to have earbuds, I guess usually I am more friendly. If I was going to continue to be approved for work I have to do better. Unplugging my earbuds, I settled down at my desk where JJ quickly came over to me. Seeing from the exact position she sat down in was practically carved out to fit her frame, I can tell she had been here waiting for me previously and moved some of my items to make a less awkward conversation for when I actually arrived. "Hi" I said, rising up from under my desk where I sat my cross bag down. "Hey Reid" JJ said back with an uncomfortable level of concern in her voice. "What's up?" she says to my face which is focused on unlocking my computer over proper social etiquette. "Well I got this coffee this morning hoping it might be a new way to wake me up but it tastes like pure chemicals mixed with heavy cream so now I'm out $6 and of about 50 grams of sugar I presumed I would have consumed by now". She laughs and then messes with my hair "good to have you back" she says. "Good to be back" I respond before she adds the expected "If you need anything you know where to find me"After about 20 minutes of silence and focus on catching up with filing I needed to get done from my 'leave of absence', Emily walked in late with a bag of trail mix by her. I love trail mix. Not long after this, Hotch called us into the discussion room. Penelope flamboyantly followed us into the room where we all sat at the circle table facing Gideon and his soon to be replacement Rossi. "We have a case" said Rossi which I naturally muttered "No shit" to. Although I thought I was quite quiet, Penelope happened to hear me and whispered in my ear moistly "U OK?" which I then said "im as good as a leprechaun!" in return. This case seemed to follow a pair of siblings who were raised by their widowed father to believe in ghosts and other paranormal activity. "We think they are using some type of hallucination drug which enables the fears and lies their father told them while growing up to become violent" Gideon said. "What type of wing nut would even use drugs" Rossi then followed up Gideon with. I think he may have been trying to tell me something since the whole time he said that he locked eyes with me. I'm having a hard time reading this newby tho, hes good at concealing what he's thinking. Leaving the room Mo=rgan put his arm around me which I naturally jumped at since it reminded me of my trauma. Suddenly I was having flashbacks to Death Mega Tron 300, the local chimpanzee at our zoo in Los Vegas hugging me so tight that I thought I might suffocate. Nobody can give me hugs without having to relive such hard times. Shivers go down my back as Morgan talks to me about the case and how I don't have to participate in it if I don't feel comfortable which i then said trying to act casual, "I dont even want to continue to use narcotic painkiller Dilaudid like at all anymore like the hospital made me feel so good I dont even know why I bought that coffee this morning because I feel so pumped on air that I dont need horse shit!" "I was talking about the hostages the brothers take captive sometimes but alright Reid"The plane ride wasn't bad at first, we took off, were about 30 minutes into our 4 hour plane ride to Nebraska and thats when the urges got bad again to use. Excusing myself from the chess game I was in with Gideon, I got up and went into the bathroom where I looked in the mini toiletry cabinet for any drugs. I found on adderal pill but personally I'm not really a fan of swallowing pills because it feels like a fat slimey lump is in my throat for hours instead of the medicine spreading through my body. I wonder whos adderal this is. Anyways, feeling weak without energy, food or sleep (not to mention lack of narcotic painkiller Dilaudid), I slowly walked back to my seat. "You ok?" Hotch said to me, now the whole team was staring. "No I just contemplated doing drugs in the bathroom with the leftiver aderall someone left in there." I admitted, hoping maybe it wasn't too late for help. Everyone laughed at my reply instead, taking my serious moment as a joke. "Whatever" I thought as I made my last move before being defeat in chess by Gideon. When we landed, we had two hours to go get anything we needed from local stores and meet back at the hotel we were staying in. Instantly I went outside and looked up on my government issued phone that the team leaders could see every activity use on "Where to find narcotic painkiller Dilaudid" when a sketchy large man with a hole in his crotch to the jeans he was wearing were cut out approached me. "You looking for the zaza lala lolo pepe peepee penis?" "Im looking to get my world rocked." I replied with my head high and shoulders back, after all confidence is key when using slang. After being laughed at for a straight 4 minutes the sketchy man pulled me into an ally and showed me all the drugs he was holding. I asked if he had narcotic painkiller Dilaudid and he replied eagerly with "Bitch What" before bitch slapping me with a nearby waffle that was laying on the street. "Um. do you have the H word" "Bitch do you need another slap?" he threatened while holding the moldy waffle up high. "NO! I JUST NEED HEROIN!!" I practically screamed. Peeping around into the ally we were in was another person who my new friend almost pulled a gun on before I stopped and said "Wait, dont, thats my friend Hotch! Hes my coworker at the FBI!" In about 14 seconds my new friend had sprinted towards the airport and Hotch has bluntly pretended to not hear anything I said and walk away as well. I looked down in confusion to the whole situation when I noticed the fat amount of powder and liquid needed for needles that my new bff dropped. I picked up all the drugs and put them in my cross bag before heading back to the hotel rooms. Waiting in the lobby for me was everyone minus Hotch and Rossi. When everyone arrived we went over the plan for who was sharing rooms with who due to the confusion in booking rooms. Before I could ask for the single room. Gideon yelled "ILL TAKE REID IN MY BED". I replied quickly with "No thanks" and Gideon started to seem mad. I ignored it and said BRB to everyone before I went into the bathroom and injected a fat amount of real pure heroin into my veins. What a relief. Coming back out I was less irritated to say the least so I instantly said "Gideon we can sleep together again" with a slur in my words that even I could feel. "He means just the same bed guys" Gideon yelled instantly after which Morgan just ignored and explained the room layotonarcotic painkiller Dilaudidcotic painkiller Dilaudid

what happended next shook reid to his core and left JJ wigless.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2022 ⏰

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