Chapter 5: Anniversary

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(if you see spelling errors just 🧑‍🦯)

Today marks my official one week anniversary for starting this series of complete bull.

I had to wakeup at 3AM because I heard a loud pop outside, and when I looked out of my window I saw water gushing out.

The sun was beginning to rise, and I was still outside. Patching this bullshit of a pipe leak while it was cold and dark and I only had my shirt and sweat pants on.

I was soaked, almost head to toe. I had managed to get my face last second before the pipe bursted again in my direction.

I sighed, and continuously dried the part where the pipe had busted trying to give me enough time to weld the damned thing together.

    As I lifted the tool to the break, another one burst, shooting straight at me and hitting my shoulder with more force than any other water stream. This one knocked me backward, causing me to land on my ass and burn my hand from the open flame.

I hissed as I saw my skin turn a sickening red, stinging wherever anything would touch it. My shoulder didn't feel much better, the muscles responding to my body in one of the most agonizing sore feelings ever. I groaned, pushing myself up from the ground, wiping my face off with my hand.

Found where all the pressure was building up-

“Morning Princess!”

I paused, blinking rapidly to keep the water out of my eyes. I looked and saw John standing at his windowsill with a towel folded over his shoulder with a smug look on his face.

“Morning.” I croaked in reply. I shook my head to get the droplets off as much as I could.

“As much as I enjoy watching this, there's no point in wasting more of your time, Lieutenant.” Soap called over to me. “That’s one of the oldest pipes here, we need to replace it soon. There are countless welding jobs done on that thing, but I will say yours held the longest.”

I sighed. “Thanks, but you could've come earlier.“

He shrugged, then tossed me the towel out of his window. “Hurry up, breakfast is cooking.”

I huffed, catching the cloth and running it through my face and hair. I picked up the tools I had brought with me and walked back to the supply closet I found them in.


I walked into the kitchen of the base, admiring the beautiful pictures that decorated the plain walls. I walked past Kyle -greeting him as i sat down at the table- and pulled out my phone.

"Texting on the job? I thought you were better than that Soldier."

The voice was familiar, and I looked over to see Ryan standing there with Chick-fil-A in his hands.

"Surprise, you catch me at my lowest." I shrugged, standing up from the table and giving Ryan a side hug.

"How's things on base going?"

He shrugged, then handed me a familiar red and white box containing one of my favorite breakfast items from this restaurant.

"Chicken mini's, how cliche." I snorted, bumping Ryan in the shoulder as a thanks. He let out an amused noise as John walked into the room.

"Who's the new guy?" John nagged, immediately eying me and Ryan. I rolled my eyes as Paris introduced himself.

"Sargent Ryan Paris, of Ret Alpha 3-29." Ryan said, holding out his hand for John to shake. "I'm Raptor's tag mate."

I was taken back from his words. Tag mate? Is he serious? He couldn't have chosen a better word?- friend, wingman, literally ANYTHING else?

Soap seemed to read my thoughts as he spoke. "Sargent John MacTavish, Task Force 141."

"Pleasure to meet you, McTavish." Ryan nodded approvingly to Soap, who eyed him reluctantly nodding back.

The door swung open and Price walked through, talking to someone in a hushed but angry tone. Who pissed in his Cheerios this morning?

Whoever was on the phone with him shared a couple words then hung up, causing frustration to wither on Price's brow.

He mumbled some mess on how someone can't do anything right, approaching the three of us.

"Morning, John." Price hummed, turning to me. "Elliott."

"Price." I responded.

"And who might this be?" Price asked, looking at Ryan closely. I cleared my throat as I spoke.
"Captain, this is Ryan. He is one of my friends on base."

"Friend? Just a friend?" Paris responded sarcastically, placing a hand on his chest. "How disappointing, I thought I meant more than that to you."

I shifted uncomfortably, both Price and John seeming to notice as the room grew quite. Awkward silence filled the air as the sound of the door opening was heard.

It was Simon, but in unusual attire than what I've usually seen him in. A tight black shirt with his mask on seemed a little bit too good at catching my attention.

I noticed the curvature of his arms and the shadows from the muscles on his back sticking out when he turned around to get something from the fridge.

He seemed to feel it, because he turned around and made eye contact with me.

Seconds felt like minutes, and minutes felt like hours. Time slowed down when our eyes met, the universe giving us both a chance to swim in the pool of each other's souls.

I could see--no, I could feel-- the pain and sadness lingering in that man's eyes. I felt terrible, it reminded me of all the hell I went through in Basic.

His entire aura was kryptonite, completely unrecognizable for a normal human. Although he was across the room, his emotional aura could've been felt from anywhere, you just got to know how to read it.

When I was unknowingly staring at Simon, I felt a pair of eyes on me. I looked over and saw Ryan giving me a look of hurt on his face.

"Is that your...boyfriend?"  Ryan mumbled to me, leaning into my ear to tell me. I shook my head. "No, you bozo."

He shrugged, then seemed to turn back to normal when he turned to talk more with Price about his background.

John and I made eye contact, somehow getting the message across that he was being weird without saying a single word.

"Well, I don't know about you guys-but I'm hungry." Ryan said happily, handing Soap and Price both a back of food.

They both said thanks, as John dug into his food like a little kid with a goodie bag. I swear his eyes were wide and everything-

I turned around quickly to see Ghost gone, and he was nowhere in the room. A small part of me longed for the strange moment where time slowed when we looked at each other, but there was nothing I could do about it, especially not now.

I just had to make it through the day without any other complications.


Slay. Thank you all for the support so far!! <333

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