Chapter 18: Family Pt 3

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You and Ghost both walked back from your family's room, Ghost deciding he wanted to start the conversation.

"I can tell where you get your energy." He said.

"What do you mean by that?" You said, side eying him.

"Your brother- Jax." He replied. "You both do look and act alike."

"I am not that childish." You shot. He eyed you as you continued walking, as if making sure he heard you correctly.

"When your with Soap- I don't believe that."

You rolled your eyes, walking out the door of the apartment building. You expected to see Paris standing there -waiting on you...but he wasn't there.

He was gone.

"Where do you think he went?" Ghost mutters to you. You shrugged. You really didn't care at this moment, but the voice in the back of your mind worried about him.

You both walk back into the base, departing from eachother momentarily to dismiss yourselves to your designated rooms.

You walk into your bedroom, noticing how neat your room was. You weren't a very messy person, but you don't bother to make your bed every day.

But the bed was neatly made, your things stacked on top of your desk. You notice the small .380 pistol you kept under your pillow was out of it's holster...

You walk over, grabbing the gun and inspecting it. The fingerprints that decorated your gun did not belong to you.

This base has housekeeping... But Price never said anything about them moving my shit.

I understand making the bed, but at least move the damned thing back.

But you couldn't understand why it was out of it's case.

You walked over to your bed, deciding to move it to a different place. You open the drawer of the nightstand, expecting to see your other weapon in its place....

The drawer was empty.

This too?

You quickly check in the bathroom, looking in the cabinet to find the other hidden weapon gone.

Your pistols were out of place...

Three knocks rang on your door, and you quickly went and opened it without another thought.

"Hey, do you wanna-" Soap pauses when he sees your panicked face. "Is something wrong?"

You didn't say a word, just left the door opened as you checked your desk... Pistol, knife, gone.

C'mon, where is it? Where the hell is it?!

Your mind was slowly revealing the reality of the brutal truth as you shuffled through the papers in your desk, hoping the feeling in your gut was wrong.

John was standing behind you, trying to figure out what the absolute hell you were doing.

"John- look in the plant in the corner- lift it up and check the back of it. Tell me if you see something."

Soap did as you asked, lifting the fake plant up in the air, and looked into the corner.


You froze. Slowly turning your head towards Soap-

"What? What is it?" He asked.

"Go get Ghost..." You muttered. "There's something seriously wrong here."


"Gone?" Ghost repeated.

You nodded your head, trying to think of who could've gotten into your room. You paced back and forth, your arms lifted up towards your face, rubbing your chin with one hand.

"I don't understand." John said, standing beside him. "Someone stole your guns?"

Who would come in here of all places- More like...why? Why steal three flimsy pistols, while there's more specialized weap-

You paused, slowly putting puzzle pieces together.

Oh no-

You quickly bolted towards the bed, crouching down and moving the sheet that covered the underpart of the bed. The blue bag you shoved under on your first day was sitting infront of you, but you could tell it was tampered with.

You yank the bag out, without considering the fact that Ghost and Soap were still present in the room. You quickly unzip the bag, laying your eyes on it's contents.






Knife's included. Throwing, tactical, trench, all knife's gone. Any sort of tactical weapon was gone. You had no weapons but the .380 and the 40 attached to you.

"Damnit!" I growled, punching the bed. Ghost squated next to you, inspecting the blue bag. "Whoever did this knew where to look."

You quickly got up from the floor, hurrying to the closet to hopefully find something useful. The door opened, and the same civilian clothes were still present.

But the most important item in this closet was gone.

My uniform was nowhere to be found.


RAHHHHHH 🇺🇲🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅



alright, now - when do you guys want the next chapter to be?

Also, should I do a type of reveal at 10k? I'm not sure, tell me what you guys would like.

Thank you all so much again, 🫶🏼 you all!

- Ë

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