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___𝕹𝐎𝐓 𝕾𝐎 𝕷𝐎𝐍𝐆 𝕬𝐅𝐓𝐄𝐑 the Crowned Princess' return to the capital, Rhaenyra's belly had begun to swell with a third child.

   Young Vhaehra remembered the sound of the bells tolling all through the day and long into the hour of the bat after her grandsire were told of the prince or princess growing within his daughter's womb. The grand feast thrown some days afterwards were unlike any the Velaryon girl had attended before; hundreds of lords with their lady wives dancing along to the lively tunes that echoed across the Great Hall, sweets of all kinds spread about on silver platters, laughter and singing ringing through her ears.

   Lying on her bed after that rather grand and buoyant celebration, Vhaehra had found herself wondering if she had been as celebrated as her soon-to-be youngest sibling, mayhaps more so as she were the firstborn.

   Now, seven moons later, Rhaenyra's belly grows with every week that came and went and Vhaehra wonders if the Mother will gift her with another brother or a sister.

     The young girl had been praying at her bedside every morrow before breaking her fast then beside her bed before retiring for the night for a sister; another girl to have around for herself and Helaena. To even the odds, she had said when her mother asked her why she wanted a sister so desperately; three boys and three girls.

   Though, what Vhaehra truly asked of the Seven with every day and night that brought her mother closer to birthing her newest sibling into the world was to bring them out of this pregnancy alive and healthy. She had heard the whispers of her late grandmother's fate and would be beyond heartbroken if the same fate befell her beloved mother.

   Currently, Vhaehra Velaryon were traversing across the cobblestone paths spread across the floors of the Royal Gardens, occasionally spinning with a giggle as she hummed a tune her mother sang to her whenever her real dreams plagued her. Dreams that came to fruition before her very eyes.

   Servants walking about the gardens would softly smile at the young and blissful princess, bowing their heads in respect. Ser Willis Fell shadowing her every step.

   Lovely birdsongs were carried through the floral breeze as it ruffles the tree leaves and blossoming bushes, even the Velaryon's silver hair. Hushed whispers of the gossip of royal court and the laughter spilling from the southern ladies' lips echo across the gardens, enlivening the already ebullient air.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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