chapter 9

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Suddenly Satan ran downstairs pass everyone out the door covering her face while a small blood trail followed behind her.

Everyone then looked at Lucifer who was holding his hand that had blood on it and he looked horrified.

Mammon : Lucifer what did you do!?"

Lucifer : I.....I didn't mean to.....i

Later as Solomon was getting ready to leave suddenly he heard knock at the door and went to open it. And as soon as he did.

He was shock to see Satan standing there with the side of her face bleeding.

He then quickly let her in shutting the door behind them. And after this quickly went to help bandage and fix her wound.

Later Satan was sitting down on Solomon's bed with him and then ask.

Solomon : what happened?"

Satan : ....I got in an argument with Lucifer struck a nerve with him and next thing I know.....he hits me....."

Solomon : are you ok?"


He hates me he's disgusted of me he can't look at me as being anything but her he's treating me like her.....

He's so stuck in the past that he can't get over her death. He'll never see me as anything but a replacement of her that's all I am....a way to make up for not being able to save her.... I'm nothing but a shadow of her....I never had any other purpose or meaning in life but that..... I'm nothing..... he's been so awful to me....he sees me as nothing also.... like he doesn't want me here that my very existence bothers him.... like he just wants me dead and gone......"

Solomon started to see tears just streaming down her face and dripping onto the floor and see her look so upset and lost. It was heart wrenching to see.

Satan : It's stupid .....all I ever wanted was to just be seen as have him see me as Satan.... for him to just accept me! and treat me like everyone else!. Like he cared about me! and I wasn't just some mistake!..... like he didn't regret me! Like I mattered to him actually......

All I really wanted since I was born was for him to love me.....I was so angry that day because I knew I meant nothing to him.

To feel like nothing by The person who made me. I meant nothing to.....I hated that feeling so made me so mad because this feeling never went away no matter what I always felt like this and I can't get rid of...."

Satan just started crying more all his anger coming out in tears because in really he was more upset and sad and hurt than anything else.

And Solomon just did about the only thing he could do.

He hugged her and she started hugging him back tightly and burying her face into his shoulder.

During this he tried to calm her down and soothe her trying to tell her everything would be alright even though he didn't know.

A little while later Satan eventually calm down and was still being hug by Solomon because she didn't want him to let go.

Satan : ....why are you different with me...."

Solomon : I want to be a good f-

Satan : that's a shitty lie..... just tell me why....."

Solomon : I..... don't know....I guess I can see the pain your in the pain you always been in and I just want to help you. Help prove what you think is true about yourself "

Satan : ...... what do you think is true about me?"

Solomon : that you do have meaning and a purpose in life.
That your your just as worthy of anything like everyone else.

That you were and still are perfect just the way you are..... your Satan not Lillth not Lucifer you are you."

Satan : ...... you really think that?"

Solomon : of course I do

Satan : ......thank you...."

Hearing from someone. from Solomon what he's always wanted was nice.

And he felt that feeling of acceptance worthiness cared and loved. Something he wanted for so long.

For once he felt happy

Satan : .....Solomon?"

Solomon : yea-!?

Suddenly Satan looked at him and started kissing him. And Solomon was shock and surprised. But started kissing him back.

And as they were kissing each other Solomon lay back on the bed as Satan was sitting on top of him.

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