Happy Heavenly 46th Birthday Chadwick

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In honor of the late Chadwick Boseman, and on his birthday, 11/29, this will be a special birthday chapter dedicated to our King of Wakanda. 

Today, you were with your daddy having playtime, when your daddy was called out for a mission. "You be good, little panther and keep auntie Shuri out of trouble." He said as he gave you a hug before he left.  "I heard that." Your auntie Shuri said. "Auntie S!" You said as hugged her legs. "Hello my favorite niece/nephew. Do you know what today is?" She asked as she picked you up. "Nu. Wat wis it? (No. What is it)" You said.  "It's your daddy's birthday."  She said as you gasped.  "It daddy's wirthday? (birthday)" You asked as your auntie Shuri nodded.   "We needs to do a arty for daddy. (We need " You said as your grandparents came into the room.  "A party sounds like great idea, y/n." Your grandma said.  "Daddy's fends come too? (friends)" You asked. "Let's give them a call, shall we, y/n?" Your auntie said as you nodded, excitedly.    When you and your auntie Shuri reached her lab, she brought up Tony's number and hit the call button.  "You got Stark." Tony said. "Ony!" You said.   "Hey princess/prince y/n. What can uncle Tony do for you?"  He asked.  "It daddy's wirthday and we is having a arty or im. (It daddy's birthday and we is having a party for him)" You said. "I see and you want us to come to your dad's party?" Tony asked you. "Wes." You replied.  "I'll be there and don't you worry your little head about getting in touch with the others. I'll take care of that personally." Tony said.  "Tank wu Ony." You said. "You're welcome, young princess/prince.  I'll see you later, for I must get ready for your dad's party." He said as you waved goodbye to Tony as he got in touch with other avengers.  

"Auntie S?" You called to her.  "Yes y/n?" "Wat a wirthday?" You asked your auntie.  "A birthday is a day to celebrate the day you were born.  Everyone has one, including you." She said with a smile and booped your nose.  "(Gasps) Me hwas wirthday oo? (Me has birthday too)" You said as your auntie nodded.  "Yays!" You cheered as you went to go tell your grandparents that you had a birthday too.   "Andma! Andpa!" You called them as they chuckled.  "We're in here, y/n." Your grandpa said as you entered the throne room.  You bowed as the warriors bowed to you.  "Andma. Andpa.  Me whas wirthday oo." You said as they pretended not to know about you having a birthday.   "Well then we must go and get decorations for the big party." Your grandma said.   "Oko ome oo? (Okoye come too)" You asked, since she was your best friend.  "If it's okay with you, your majesties."  Okoye said. "I see no problem with it." Your grandma said.  "Okoye,  you may go with our daughter and our granddaughter/grandson."  Your grandpa said as you went up to them and gave a hug.  "Bye-bye andma and andpa." You said as you waved goodbye to them and  took Okoye's hand.  (Time skip to going to Party City) 

"What is this Party City?" Okoye asked as she placed her staff in the trunk.  "Arty ore! (Party store)" You said, making Okoye smile. "I see and what are we going to get here, y/n?"  Okoye asked. "Suff or daddy's arty. (Stuff for daddy's party)"  You said as you held her and your auntie Shuri's hand and went inside to get the decorations for your daddy's party.   (Time skip to home) 

After all the shopping was done, all of you went back home, all of you got to work on setting everything up, before the party guests arrived.   While adding the finishing touches, the guards came in with the other avengers and you were happy to see Tony.  "Ony!"  "Well hello there y/n. Did you do all of this?"  "Wes and me whad welp om auntie S and Oo. (Yes and me had help from auntie S and Okoye.)"  You said. Just then there was a in coming call from your daddy.   "Everyone quiet please." Shuri said as she answered her brother's call.  "Hello brother." "Hello sister.  How's everything going?" He asked.  "Good. No problems here. How's the mission?" "It went well.  I'm calling to let you know that I'm on my way home." He said as he and Shuri said goodbye to each other and hung up on their communicators.  "Everyone, get into your hiding spots. Y/n, you come with me and Okoye." Your auntie said as you went with them along with your grandparents to go meet up with your daddy.  

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