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  Every time we felt uneasy or uncomfortable we would always have our music moments, I play the violin while my sister plays Cello. It was heaven to the ears whenever she played, Staring at the note sheet I focused not wanting to mess the verse up.

The song we usually play, "Paint it black" Was a hard one, But I got used to it. Following my sister's melody, there was only one thought on my mind...getting out of there. the more we got to the end the louder Wednesday played.

my arm felt numb but I kept going anyways humming the tune repeatedly before the song ended with a satisfying pull I put my violin down "Any better?" "No, I don't really feel better. there's something wrong with this place Not just because it's a school" Wednesday got up and went into the room leaving me outside.

Leaning on the cold stone I watched as the moon shined "How the hell did you get that oversides violin out here?" Someone said from behind "We had a helping hand" I nodded To Thing "Woah... where's the rest of him?"

"It's one of the great Addams family mysteries" He jumped down walking towards the door while Enid stared uncomfortably. "Aren't you supposed to wolf out? It is the full moon" Tilting my head back the girl was way closer than I expected her to be.

"Can't," She showed me her claws "It's all I got" Enid said putting her elbow on the stone and looking out into the woods. "My mom said some wolfs are late bloomers, but I've been to the best Lycanoloigst, I had to fly to Milwaukee would you believe it?"

"She says there a chance I may never... You know" I felt her turn to look at me, I didn't like how she was always so smiley. Well not that I hate her smile, I love her smile- Well not love I just wonder how a person like this could stay here.

"What happens then?" I mumbled "I'd become a lone wolf," I turned my head to look at her hoping we could've at least made 2 seconds of eye contact "Sounds perfect" "Are you kidding me? my life would be officially over. I'd be kicked out of my family pack with no prospect of finding a mate."

"I'm failing to see the problem here" She finally made eye contact with me, and this time her facial expressions weren't so...Smiley.

"I could die alone" She wailed "We all die alone, Enid" "You really suck at this, Cheering people up" Turning back she dug her head into her arm crying. "Why are you crying?"

"Cause I'm upset" Her head shot back up "haven't you ever cried? or are you above that too" Looking down at her hands I bit my lip "I'm not all like my sister you know, I have my times. a week after Halloween. Wednesday and I were 6 years old, We took our pets out for our afternoon stroll"

"Nero" fidgeting my fingers I continued "A scorpion" "Scary pet, as expected" She cut in "Do you wanna hear the story or not" Enid pursed her lips "We were amused, two of them held us down and made us watch. while the other ran over Nero"

"it was snowing when we buried him, My sister was holding my hand crying her little black heart out, and So did I. but tears didn't fix anything so we vowed to never do it again" Enid sighed "Your secrets safe with me"

"Still think you're weird as shit tho" 

"The feeling is incredibly mutual" Suddenly an idea struck me "How would you like your single room back?"


 "Why are we here again?" She asked "You and Tyler are gonna be here for a while, I don't feel like staying so I'm heading back with Enid" Wednesday sighed "Well, good luck. safe travels" 

I watch as Enid went for a hug but was rejected "Still not a hugger, Got it. Come on" She said tugging on my sweater "Call an Uber," I said as she nodded


After getting ready I laid myself on my sister's bed reading the recent chapter, Opening my book something fell out of it. A necklace? with a note.

Mom got this for you, yes I have one too don't even try taking it off

Smiling at the note Enid came out of nowhere "What that?" I shut the book "None of your business" 

"Boring" she pouted "Stay that way" Enid rolled her eyes and went to her side of the room "I'm bored, let's talk about boys" "Boys are a waste of time" 

"No !! have you seen Ajax?" I blinked at her "The cleaning spray?" The girl looked as disappointed as ever "How dare you, he's really cute" 

"Basic white boy" she shrugged "Still cute" I rolled my eyes hearing her walk towards me, She sat on the floor looking up at me "How about your first kiss?" Shaking my head she nodded "Fair enough"

"You?" She shook her head, "Always wondered what it felt like, I wanted it to be with Ajax" Biting my lip I looked into her eyes examining everything, After a while of silence I didn't want to lose the staring contest we have.

Has she always been this Pretty? I guess she's what you call...Alluring.

"so? have you sound someone who caught your eye?" Snapping back I finally gave in and looked away "Actually, Yeah" Her eyes brightened "Really?! tell me EVERYTHING. WHO IS HE?"

"A friend" A smile crept on my face "I'll be sure to keep an eye out for that 'friend'" She puts her arm on the bed using it to sleep. "You know, you're actually really fun to be with Addams"

"Same to you Sinclair" 


It was in the middle of the night when I heard the door shuffle open, The smell of my sister's perfume as she came towards me "Sleep well, Claire" was the only thing I heard before I fell back to sleep

ᴀʟʟᴜʀɪɴɢ ──Enid SinclairWhere stories live. Discover now