Ch. 5 I don't want us to be a burden

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Hinata blankly stared at Shigure, feeling speechless to hear that Shigure's family owned the Forest where she and Tohru had been staying.

" How is that possible? Isn't the Forest part of public property?" Hinata asked.

" Well. Since the Sohma Forest is small compared to other forests in the country, it was easy for my family to own the land so my cousin and I could have privacy." Shigure responded.

Hinata's chocolate brown eyes blinked.

" Oh." Hinata bites her inner cheek, looking worried, which Shigure notices.

" Wait. Did you say Sohma?" Hinata asked. She began to remember that her potential boss goes by the surname Sohma.

Shigure nodded. " Yeah. Your future boss is a distant relative of mine." He smiled.

Hinata spits out her drink, causing Shigure's face to get wet. Her chocolate-brown eyes widened when she realized what she had done to him.

" I am so sorry!" Hinata shouts. She grabbed a napkin and cleaned his face.

" It's okay." Shigure amusingly chuckled. " Yeah. I have a huge family." He muttered.

Hinata internally panics, thinking that Shigure will complain about her to Hayato and she will lose her potential new job.

" Does your family own Japan or something?" Hinata bluntly asked.

" Well. The Sohma Clan is one of the oldest clans in Japan." Shigure rubbed his chin. " So, we are considered royalty in a sense." He teased since he liked making Hinata get riled up.

Hinata looked at Shigure with mixed emotions. " I-I will leave the Sohma Forest! I will find a way to find a new home for my niece and me." She muttered.

" I-I only need an address because if I don't give them an address, they will take Tohru away from me." Tears begin to well up in Hinata's chocolate-brown eyes.

Shigure's teasing mood stopped, and he looked at Hinata with a concerned gaze.

" If you like, you and your niece can live with my cousin and me?" Shigure suggested since he started to feel terrible for making Hinata cry.

Hinata's watery chocolate brown eyes intently stare at Shigure's worried grey eyes.

" I-I don't want us to be a burden." Hinata stuttered.

" You and your niece will not be a burden," Shigure reassured. He grabs Hinata's hand and lightly squeezes it.

" Once Tohru gets out of school, I will discuss things with her," Hinata whispered.

Shigure nodded. " Want to check out the house to see if it suits your taste?" He asked.

" Sure. I'll drink and eat on the go." Hinata glanced at her iced coffee and pastry.

Shigure and Hinata stood and walked out of Moonbucks. He escorts her to the red sports car, and they get inside.

Thirty minutes later, Shigure and Hinata arrived at the Sohma Forest. Shigure parked the red sports car in front of the house. He glanced at Hinata and saw her look at the home with a conflicting gaze.

" It's not haunted. I assure you." Shigure reassured.

Hinata blushes, looking embarrassed. She takes out her trash and gets out of the red sports car. She silently walks with Shigure to the house and watches him open the door.

" We have four bedrooms and two bathrooms." Shigure turns his gaze to Hinata.

Hinata nodded. She entered the house, and her chocolate brown eyes blinked, smelling something awful.

" Ugh! Where is that smell coming from? It smelt like something has died!" Hinata gagged.

Shigure sweatdropped since he and his cousin, Yuki, had been too lazy to clean the kitchen.

" Hahaha. That would be the kitchen." Shigure walks towards a shoji and pulls it to the right, revealing a messy kitchen.

Hinata stared at the kitchen in disbelief. She turned her gaze to Shigure, and the two adults silently looked at each other.

" If I want them to see this house will be good for my niece. I must ensure that the kitchen and whole house are clean and safe for her." Hinata rubbed her forehead.

" Who's them?" Shigure asked, looking curious.

" The Social Workers that work for Child Protective Services," Hinata responded.

" Ah." Shigure nodded. " Then let's get cleaning. I have unused cleaning supplies in the closet." He points to a nearby closet.

" Of course, it's unused." Hinata sarcastically speaks. She amusingly shakes her head and walks with Shigure to the closet.

A couple of hours later, Hinata and Shigure finished cleaning the whole house, making it look brand new.

" Finally!" Hinata dramatically falls onto the couch in the living room and sits down.

Shigure held two glasses of lemonade in his grasp. He amusingly chuckled when he saw Hinata sitting on the couch.

" Thirsty? I made us some lemonade." Shigure hands the glass cup to Hinata.

Hinata's chocolate brown eyes blinked when she saw the glass cap, and she smiled. " Thank you." She grabs the cup and takes a sip of the lemonade.

A vibrating sound grabs Hinata's attention. She pulls out her cell phone from her purse and sees a text message from Tohru. She opens and reads it.

" Hi, Aunt Hinata! Uo-chan and Hana-chan invited me to eat to celebrate surviving our first day of High school. Are you okay with me going? We will be at the mall. Yuki-kun will also be with us. And if you are still with Shigure-san, can you tell him that Yuki wanted to let him know that he and I will return home later?"

Shigure looks at Hinata.

" What is it? Did Hayato respond to you?" Shigure asked.

Hinata shakes her head. " No, it's Tohru. She wanted to tell me that her best friends planned to take her to eat to celebrate surviving their first day of high school. Also, Yuki is going with them. So, they are going to be home at night." She responded.

" Ah. Youth. I miss going out and having fun with friends and cute girls." Shigure amusingly chuckled.

Hinata turns her gaze to Shigure.

" We are still young, so we can still go out and have fun with our friends and meet people as we go," Hinata remarked.

" True. True." Shigure nodded.

" I am going to respond to Tohru and let her know about our new arrangement, but to keep it on the down low and only let Yuki know since he is going to live with us," Hinata speaks to Shigure while responding to Tohru's text.

" Yeah. Do that. I will call us some Chinese takeout if you like since our fridge is empty." Shigure turned around and was about to walk away, but Hinata stopped him by grabbing the back of his kimono.

Shigure turns his head to stare at Hinata.

" How about you and I go grocery shopping?" Hinata looks at Shigure.

" Are you asking me out on a date?" Shigure dramatically gasped. " We just met." He winks.

Hinata blushes, pulling her hands away from Shigure's kimono. " What! No! We need actual food to eat! You idiot!" She shouts.

" I'm only joking." Shigure turns to face Hinata, and he lightly pokes her forehead with his finger.

Hinata playfully rolled her chocolate brown eyes. " Let's get going before it gets too dark." She turns around and walks out of the house with Shigure following her.

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