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It was a sunny morning and ron who was going to go in to cales room to wake him up cause the count want to have breakfast with him witch he is already late as always,he was about to wake cale up when suddenly a blinding light emerge and took him.

Same goes for the henituse family who was waiting for cale.

And everyone including the crown prince.


When everybody was already teleported they found themselves in a lavender color and the galaxy like roof like room and started to shout.

Deruth:" what the? Kids stay behind me!"

Rosalyn:"where are we!?"

Iruhaben:'hmm Interesting i didn't feel any mana when i got teleported.'

Alberu"ahem.excuse me everyone i think it's more better if you all come down first"alberu said trying to calm everyone down but in the inside his panicking.

However on the corner of the room a black blob was in a daiz as he stared at the ceiling this is his first time seeing something like this in his four years of life living inside the cave!

When choi han was suddenly teleported in the room all he can remember is that he just finish killing the people who attack the harris village and was suddenly teleported here out of nowhere.


When everyone was finally calmed a figure suddenly appeared when they look who it was they saw a short girl.
they could hear the said girl speak.

Yuri:hello everyone my names yuri before you guys ask what are you guys are doing here its actually simple!
All you have to do is sit down and watch the future and see some important event!"

Then all of a sudden many couches appeared.

Alberu:"and what if we didn't agree miss yuri?"alberu ask.

Yuri:"then say bye bye to world!"


Everyone flinch 'what did she mean by that! Don't tell me there is going to be a war!'that was the thought of everyone on the room had.

yuri:'hehehehe i was just joking about their world being destroyed besides that wont happen since cale-nim will save it.i didn't think they'll already think about war.'

Rosalyn:"miss yuri is war going to happen to the future?"ask rosalyn while frowning.

Yuri:"thats right,that's why i bought you guys here to watch about the future and how a certain person's decision change you're worlds faith from being destroyed!"

Everyone was shocked they can't believe their world will be destroyed but got saved only because of a certain person!

Yuri:"any question?"Yuri said while smirking

Eruhaben:"miss yuri are you perhaps a god? Cause all i know its impossible to watch the future unless your a god?"eruhaben ask


And just like that a bomb drop making everyone turn their heads to yuri.

Yuri:"not really i just protect the timelines and dimensions!"

Eruhaben:"i see..."

After hearing the answer the sigh and relief when suddenly alberu crossman the crown prince ask a Question.

Alberu:"miss yuri if i may ask but who is the person that change our world faith from being destroyed?"

With that everyone got curious to know who is the certain person.

Yuri:"oh! Its our young master cale henituse the only mortal that the gods can't predict on what he will do in the future and the only moral that is loved by all God's!"yuri shouted.

Deruth and viola:"huh cale?!" They said in Union

Basen and lily:"hyung/orabani!"

Neo:"hah? That trash impossible!"

After neo shout that yuri started to glare at neo.

Yuri:"you dare call cale-nim a trash you mortal ill give you a change this time but one wrong word again ill be punishing you next time."yuri said coldly making the atmosphere cold.

No one can say a word.Neo just nods not wanting to be punish.

Yiru:"haaa....Ok everyone let's start no more question look at the black box!"

At that word a big black box appeared out of no where and the big box ,opened and some word showed up no one know how the words appear except for a person.

Choi han:'is that a tv?'

The words showed on the box was.
1.no fighting!
2.respect all race!
3.no killing!
If someone disobey the rules
That person will be have punishment!

Yuri:"i forgot to tell you guys there will be rules! Now start!"

They all again started to look at the black box.


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