Chapter 22: Captain, fired!

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Everyone's eyes lighted up when they saw the device in Hanson's hand. Excitement rushed through their veins! They knew this was the big break they had been waiting for!

Everyone... except Owens, who turned blood red. His eyes darted to Chris, who stood next to Hanson, after both had exchanged quick nods in agreement. Even though captain and sergeant were excited, their emotions drastically changed when they saw the enraged face of their boss.

"What is the meaning of this insubordination!?!" he snapped, extremely angry. He handed the paper to Gant and stumped his way in front of Chris. "Captain, I specifically told you to remain in the truck. What part of that didn't you understand? Do you have issues following command, captain?" he asked loudly, posting himself in front of her.

She swallowed hard, as she could feel the rage in the man's eyes and intense breathing. She tried to remain calm, as the man clinched his jaw, squinted his eyes and steam blew off fromt he top his head.

"Sir, she-" Hanson began taking a step towards the angry man.

"I DIDN'T ASK YOU ANYTHING, SERGEANT!" he yelled at Hanson, who immediately bowed his head and pinched his lips. "Didn't I tell you to stay with her in the damn truck?"

"My apologies, sir!" he mumbled.

"I told him to, sir." Chris intervened, knowing fully well it was only going to make the situation worse.

"AND YOU!" he said snapping back towards her, eyes bulging out in wrath. "Refusal to follow command is not allowed by any of my subordinates, captain! I don't care if you agree or not, that's not my problem, but where I come from, orders are followed and command is respected!"

Some four or five feet away 20 Squad were returning from their post. They noticed the commotion and rushed in. Soon the audience made a circle and Chris felt the embarrassment of her life. She kept her head low, trying to avoid the stares.

"I clearly instructed you to remain in the wheelchair!" said loudly the angry senior officer. He suddenly paused, took three long deep breaths and blinked repeatedly, trying to calm himself down. She noticed he was trying to get a grip, so she raised her stare. It worked, because after a moment, he calmly continued, "Captain, part of your pants are dirty, which makes me think that you were in some type of scuffle. If you had gotten injured -or better yet, re-injured- the union would have grounds for a lawsuit, and we're not in the process of dealing WITH PAPERWORK, CAPTAIN!" he finished loudly.

She bowed her head again, and took a deep breath. He was right and she knew it.

Upon realizing what was happening, Deacon turned back and noticed Luca was the first one after him, followed by Street who frowned, staring at Chris. Sergeant Kay took a look at Hondo, who raised both eyebrows. His mouth moved but no sound came out, "Street!" Deacon read off his lips.

Deacon and Luca exchanged looks, then looked at Street from the corner of their eyes. Suddenly, both officers stopped cold, standing shoulder to shoulder.

"What the-" they heard Street whisper

Deacon shot a glance at Hicks, who stared right at them. He shook his head slowly and frowned. Luca shot a glance at Hondo, who also shook his head slowly, looking straight at them.

"Street, don't!" they heard Tan whisper

"What the hell is his problem?" Street whispered angrily.

"Hey, stop! Don't, man." Tan whispered in response, this time placing a hand on his shoulder.

Owens took yet another step towards Chris, now towering over her (keeping in mind that the man was almost 5 inches taller than her!) and pointed to his chest.

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