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Hey everyone,

OOA KK here! I just wanted to give a little insight into why my replies have been so scattered and inconsistent.

1) I've been out of work since September because first I had COVID for a month then I got injured and they are still trying to figure out what's wrong. My nerve study came back normal but physical therapy is not going well so I've been dealing with that

2) I have been having some family issues. My parents are not the greatest people on earth and I just saw all 4 of them (both sets of parents, bio parents are divorced and remarried) in the span of one weekend plus seeing my bio dad's whole side of the family and that was super overwhelming and did not go exactly how I had hoped.

3) My mental health has been severely lacking lately. I recently realized that I have a lot that I didn't process as it happened so now I am having to relive a lot of old trauma in order to move on with my life and grow as a person.

4) Seasonal mental health has been kicking my ass as well so that's never fun

5) Beyond being injured, my physical health has been suffering. I've been getting headaches every day, I was informed in march that my jaw is grinding into my skull so that effects a lot of things and isn't a fun sensation.

Over all life has been throwing one thing after another at me so my energy has been depleted. I apologize and I'm trying to work on it but please be patient with me!!! I am on human!!




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