rookie mistake

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summary: you and ghost are on a mission to take out a diamond dealer, but something obviously just had to go wrong. "the objective is complete. that means that price will be happy, even if we're not."

heavily based off the ghost asmr vid by jimち ASMR !! check it out i had me rolling around giggling


"all right rookie, listen up," price's voice came from your radio. "you'll rendezvous with ghost. the mission itself is simple, you're taking out a diamond dealer, who's been causing no end of trouble for the local community."

you glanced out the opening that was supposed to be a window, but had no glass. the sun was quickly setting, and you knew once it got dark your job was going to be a lot more harder.

"-so, it's important that you take him out as quietly, and as quickly, as possible." you didn't get to hear what he said before that, but you knew it wasn't that important in terms of the mission. you weren't that experienced when it came to working in the field, but you guessed that taking out one man wouldn't be very hard.

"the only thing is," price sighed, "uh, well, he's a highly decorated sniper from spetsnaz."

oh. fucking fantastic. you groaned, rubbing a hand up and down your face.

"i just had to fucking jinx it," you mumbled.

after a momentary pause, as if he had heard you, price continued.

"he's most likely on the hunt for you as well, so when you meet up with ghost, make sure you spend some time to survey the area."

the fact you had ghost with you made you more hopeful. he's one hell of a good shot, and there's no way you weren't completing this mission with him at your side. you basically have to sit back and relax.

"do everything you can, to protect yourself, and whenever you're ready, take out the target. this is your first test rookie. i've got expectations for you."

you got ready to press the button on the radio to reply that you understood, but price continued.

"and, about simon. he can be a little. . . off. but don't let that put you off. if he insults you, he's sarcastic. or he'll always make your life hell." the man on the other side chuckled. "that means he likes you."

waiting for the confirmation to speak, you were cut off by, "alright rookie, price out." and nothing else was said.

you slipped your radio away, waiting for ghost to appear. you've heard a lot about him, but mostly from other rookies, who feared and respected him. you didn't know what to expect.

it was a few moments of silence before you heard the footsteps of someone coming, you held your gun ready just in case it wasn't ghost, but quickly lowered it once you saw his telltale mask.

he made his way over to you in silence, all the way to where you were standing near the window. you slightly scooted back on instinct, and before you realized what you even did, ghost noticed.

"what's the matter?" he said in his accented voice. "don't believe in ghost stories?"

"what?" you replied.

"have i got something on my fucking face?" he probably said that in response to your wide eyes.

you bit back the snarky and know-it-all response of "that fucking mask", and instead quickly replied no.

he turned his head away from you, looking back outside.

"i've been here for 45 fucking minutes," he paused. "and you- you didn't even fucking clock me once. not once."

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