Nebulizing with Peroxide and Iodine

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What if there existed a cure for COVID that didn't rely on patents? Perhaps you would not be surprised that it would be suppressed, right?

BMJ, the most prestigious medical journal in the world recently reported "Time to assume that health research is fraudulent until proven otherwise?" Money skews research and WHAT gets researched and there is plenty of money in COVID for both pharma companies and others.

One of the most important efforts that have been chronically underfunded since before the epidemic is how to use nebulized hydrogen peroxide and .

Did you know that those who manage taxpayer funded US Government health agencies have a revolving door to pharma? Did you know that the same agencies generally don't fund research into anything non patentable?

There is more politics in health care than there is in politics.

Iodine and HP. A story about two suppressed powerful unpatentable drugs.

Some supplements have dramatic effects and not all supplements work slowly, some work real fast. Have you ever tried taking iodine tincture (Lugol's) for food poisoning? 12 drops in ¼ glass of water works within 3 minutes. This virtually works every time by anyone who tries it. But doctor's don't talk about this! They don't know anything about iodine anymore. Did you know that iodine was the go to medicine for any doctor in the old days. Not anymore. It has been suppressed for years now. A good book about Iodine is a masterpiece of a book by Lynne Farrow, "The Iodine Crisis". Buy it and read it asap. It covers how she healed herself from breast cancer using iodine. The forward of that book is by Dr. David Brownstein.

How much money has been made by the medical industrial complex on the COVID pandemic? Pfizer alone is set to make 55 billion on COVID. Of over $100 billion in revenue, $24.2 from Paxlovid and $29.7 billion from the vaccine.

Unfortunately our government has colluded with Phyzer and others to conceal the fact that COVID, like any other respiratory illness, is easily curable. Our government, instead of researching unpatentable cures to diseases, instead suppressed them. In the case of Hydrogen Peroxide (HP) you can find several articles promoted by our corrupt US government about how dangerous HP can be. They talk of nebulizing with 10% HP, which is a ridiculously high concentration you don't even put on your skin, let alone nebulize with it. It is true that nebulizing with 3% HP can lead to throat irritation.

However you don't need to nebulize with 3%HP, one hundred times less of a concentration is plenty, or 0.03% if you also put a couple of drops of iodine tincture — food grade Lugol's in the medical cup. See exact formula below.

For arguments sake let's suppose you needed to suffer from a bit of a dry throat from nebulizing with 3% HP, that would be totally worth it if you prevented or cured COVID in the process, right? But you don't have to! Our dear government does nothing to help us. They are disconnected from reality, hypnotized into the world of for-profit patent medicine. Ignoring the cure that has been available for free, all this time.

Dr. David Brownstein:

Dr. David Brownstein has been employing nebulized 0.03% food-grade hydrogen peroxide as an essential component of his COVID treatment.

His go-to treatment for COVID-19 and other upper respiratory infections is nebulized hydrogen peroxide and iodine. Dr. David Brownstein currently runs a clinic located just outside of Detroit, Michigan, and has effectively treated more than a hundred people with various respiratory infections, including COVID-19.

Reason for Dr. Brownstein's Notoriety:

The reason Dr. Brownstein is most well-known is likely because of his advocacy for iodine as well as its supplementation. Additionally, he was a pioneer in the use of nebulized peroxide and vitamin D optimization.

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