TWO. ᵂᵒᵉ ᶦˢ ᵗʰᵉ ᴸᵒⁿᵉˡᶦᵉˢᵗ ᴺᵘᵐᵇᵉʳ

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Chapter two.

  "How did you miss a dead body?" My sister asked walking with the sheriff, "Cause it wasn't there, No footprints no sign of trouble. My search party looked all night " He replied "well, your search party must have left their seeing-eye dogs at home I saw that monster kill Rowan right in front of me" 

"Get a good look at this monster thing?" he said walking up the stairs "It didn't stick around for a chat" "Maybe it was one of your classmates?" 

"Sheriff, I find that question offensive" The principal looked back "Well, I don't care cause I got three other dead bodies in the morgue hikers just ripped apart in the woods" He fought back, "The mayor said those were bear attacks"

"Well, the Mayor and I disagree on that" He replied back "So you automatically assume a  Nevermore student is the murderer? even if there's no evidence a crime was even committed" He took a step back from the principal "I'm sorry, You only teach the good outcasts here"

"My guess is Rowan ran away," She said before entering the office "State troopers put out an alert and I've contacted his family. they haven't heard from him either" "Dead people are notoriously bad at returning calls" I smiled at her.

"What were you doing out in the woods Addams?" The sheriff asked my sister "Simple, Heard and noise and went to investigate that's when I stumbled upon the attack" "Then?"

"Then I ran into Bianca Barclay and told her to go for help, and next thing I knew I was awakened in the affirmatory" "And just to be clear, this monster wasn't a bear or some other wild animal?" He sat down comfortably on the chair "I've hibernated with grizzlies, I know the difference"

"Thank you, Sheriff, I think they're done now" principal Weems got up from her chair "Actually I would like to speak to sheriff Galpin. Alone" He turned to my sister with a cheeky smile on his face "I'm not sure if I can allow that"

"I'm sure I can take her down to the station and get a formal statement" the sheriff cut in having a stare-down with her before he got up "Fine, You have five minutes and everything is off the records...Play nice or I will call the mayor"

she said before she walked out, I turned around but was stopped by someone's hand "Stay" It was music how she was a year older than me and I'm still the taller sister "Somebody is trying to cover up Rowan's murder it's the only reason to scrub the crime scene"

"Is that your professional opinion as the daughter of a murderer?" I rolled my eyes "Our father is twice the man you are, and the only thing he murders is the occasional opera in the shower"

"Addams it has been a long night I'm tired of your games" He shook his head "I'm not playing games, I'm telling the truth you want to reject my claims but you can't cause we both know there's a monster out there and Rowan was it's the  latest victim"

"Sheriff" The door opened "What?" "you're gonna want to see this" Opening the door wider I could see my sister's eyes expand, I was as shocked as she was. There he was, In the flesh and clearly alive.


"help me understand why you would claim you've witnessed a murder. Was it for attention?" It was starting to get annoying at this point "why should she bother telling you anything if you already decided she was lying, She knows what she saw"

"Your live's had a lot of upheavals recently" She continued with her soft voice "It's okay to be confused about things"

"Don't try to lure me into one of your psychological traps" Wednesday tilted her head "No one is trying to trap you I'm here to help you process your emotions" "Emotions are a gateway trait, They lead to feelings and trigger tears... I don't do tears" I blinked rethinking that sentence over and over again.

"Tell me how you're adjusting to school" She changed the subject, "Sartre said, 'Hell is other people' He was my first crush" "Wednesday was part of the reason why your parents sent you to Nevermore, is so that you can find your people and become part of a larger community"

"I like being on an island, A well-fortified one surrounded by sharks" I looked away wanting to get out of this uncomfortable situation "have you considered your antisocial tendencies might be motivated by the fear of rejection?"

"If you were to reject me right now I would not be upset" "You can't get rid of me that easily," She said sounding like she was obsessed "And look you made it through an entire session without trying to escape I'll take that as a win"

Running off first I finally got to smell the air outside, I needed that after sitting in that hell of a place "Hi" Tyler was outside, weird-

"Move," I said before running off to the other side of the road and getting into principal Weem's car watching them talk.


"This kitty is taking no prisoners If Bianca Barclay wins again this year I will literally scratch my own eyes out" I heard Enid say who wasn't aware of my presence "I would pay money to see that" She turned to me with the same smile on her face jumping towards me "Howdy roomie, I'm so glad you and your sister decided to stay," She said tilting her head.

"Thought you wanted your single room back" Crossing my arms she pouted a little "Full disclosure, I don't like living solo and thing gives a killer neck massage. It's a win-win"

"So...? Why the change of heart" I'm the type of person who examines people a lot so it wasn't weird that I could tell what shade her lipstick was "I refuse to play the role of a pawn in someone else's corrupted game"

"You mean Rowan?" She wrinkled her nose "I believe my sister, Enid. She witnessed his murder" "it's just, we all saw him this morning very much like, not dead."

"I know, Which leads me to believe my sister has lost her mind... You're Nevermore's gossip queen, What's Rowan's story?" "Other than being a weird loner...Uh, No offense" I raised my eyebrows "Xavier Thorpe's roommate if you could give him a call"

She turned back to her boat "Yoko come on! flare those whiskers the Poe Cup droops for no one" She said "Poe Cup?" 

"Only my ENTIRE reason for living right now, Part canoe race, Part foot chase, No rules... Each dorm has to pick an Edger Allen Poe short story for inspiration- You could grab a brush. wanna take a stab at being social?" I shrugged "I do love stabbing, but the social part is 50/50. besides, I wanna spend more time with my sister and I doubt that she wants to participate"

"No worries, just as long as you're LAKE SIDE CHEERING US TO VICTORY" She used her hand to brush on my arm "Or you can just glare uncomfortably whatever works for you" She kept her hand on that position before winking.

"Fine" Working around wasn't such a pain anyways, well it was a pain to my arm. "Hey" I turned back seeing Enid standing behind me.

She smeared paint on my cheeks making me get up from my sitting position "Do you have a death wish?" Touching my brush I ran after her almost tripping on my way. 

I bend down pretending as if I fell "Hey are you alright?" Looking up I saw the opportunity to put blue pain on her nose "There, now we're fair" 

"Claire" I heard a voice come by cutting in on Enid laughing "We have to look for extracurricular activity" "I'll join what you join" She nodded "Very well then"

after a while of silence, I felt something cold on my other cheek "Got you... Again" 

"You sick fuc-"

ᴀʟʟᴜʀɪɴɢ ──Enid SinclairWhere stories live. Discover now