Chapter One ( Meeting Jack )

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✨ Chapter One - ✨

I was day dreaming, with my arm prop up onto of the counter, I was dozing off all day at work. It's been not a busy day, which is unusual for a Topshop store. There was some group of famous boys in the mall today, my co workers where talking about them, I think there name was Jake Gilmore & James Jones, something like that I wasn't really paying attention. I was focused on folding up the clothes that just ship in.

I was looking at girls running by in the same direction to the left wing of the mall, who ever is in this mall must be really important. I stop day dreaming as soon as two guys walk in with black hoodies on. One was medium size as for the other one was a tall size. The shorter one had blonde hair with his hood up and dark Ray bands, as for the tall one had a brown hair color also had his hood up texting on his phone. I stood up straight and put the best smile on my face as I walk over to the to boys.

"Welcome to America eagle, my name is Angela if you need anything, please come ask for me at counter" I said to the two boys as I stood there with my hands together, I gave a small smile at the two boys, both of them have me a small smile as they both went deeper into the store. I returned behind the counter, when my best friend Jazmine came out. We both had natural curly hair and big brown eyes. Some people mistake us as sisters. She put on her badge and open up her register.

" Aye Jazzy " I said to her as i started to lean back I top of the other counter. I was looking over jazmine outfit, she had on a white lose crop top shirt with light blue jeans and some fresh out of the box Nike Air Force Ones. Her shoe game was strong today.

"Hey Angie" she said as she pushed her curls out her face. Our manger and two other employees came out the back and drop the keys off in front of me. I raised a eyebrow at her questioning what is she doing.

" I'm going to search for the boys can you lock up night" she ask me as she was already half way out the door. Well looks like I'm working over time. I started to look around in the store and saw not really no one was in her.
Jazmine started to beat on the counter as I was move my body to the beat.

"Ayee best friend" jazmine said as she kept on beating on the counter, I started to get down on my knees and started to twerk.

"Ayee" I said as I stop as I saw people walking by the store. I look at jazmine and started to bust out laughing. Ugh I love my best friend. I felt eyes watching me so I turn around to see the taller guy staring at me. We both just stood there awkward. Till I decided to speak up.

"Do you need any sir." I ask as i scratch the back of my neck waiting for a response. Jazmine was next to me trying not to laugh with failed, as she started to laugh her ass off. I gave her a dirty look I turn back to the gentleman that was in front of me slightly biting his lip.

"You" he said well more like whisper. I could feel my cheeks heat up, I'm so lucky I'm mix because I would be red as fuck right now.

"Umm... I need help getting these pair of shoes." He said as he was pointing back to the shoe section. I gave him a nice smile, as I walk behind him to the shoe section. He was pointing at a pair of Nike air forcer ones. I was standing 4 foot 10, and the shoes where on the top shelf that was at least 6 feet and 5 inches tall. I turn around to the guy, and put my hand on my hip.

"Umm this is not going to work out because I can't even reach the 4th self how am I'm spouse to reach the top shelf. I look up the gentlemen as he look down at me giving me a priceless smirk. He look up at the shoes and then down at me.

"Well if you sit on my shoulders while I stand up you can reach it" the gentleman said. I gave him a questing look. I bit down on my lip thinking about this, I'm going to be raise high up in the air by somebody I don't know.

You only live once.

"Okay but little boy if you drop me, as soon as I get back up I'm drop kick you're ass" I told him as I poke his firm chest.

"I'd never would let you fall " he said as he went down in between my legs(yall dirty little fuckers). I held on to his head as hard as I could as he stood up. I held on to his . I look down to see him barely holding on to my legs. This little fucking boy is badly holding on to me, if you fucking drop me I'll hurt you.

"If you drop me I promise you on my dogs life I'll beat the hell outta you" I told him as I grab the box, from the top shelve. He slowly bent down, I swing my legs off around him. I stood up and hand him the box, he gave me a soft smile. I walk back over to the counter to find Jazmine flirting with his smaller friend. She didn't even notice that I was back behind the counter.

"So is this all you would like to say sir " I said as I started to type on the screen, adding up all the things he had placed on the counter. He had a couple of boxes of shoes and a few snap backs.

"Well that would be 100 dollars even sir" I said as I look up at the gentleman. He gave me a nice smile and and handed me a Hundred dollar bill out of his wallet. i gave him his Reseat, and gave him a nice smile.

"I hope you enjoy shopping at top shop." I told him as I look over at Kat to see she is still talking to his friend.

" Would you maybe like to come out with us to dinner to night" he ask me as he gave me a nice smile showing off his jawline. Fun fact about me I'm a sucker for jawlines.

"I don't even know you're name" I told him as I sat my elbow on the counter. I tilt my head side ways, and lifted my eyebrows.

"Jack gilinsky, what about you" he said as he looked kinda nervous and uneasy when he told me his name. He must not really get out so much.

"Angela and that's Jazmine" I told him as I pointed to Jazmine

"Angela and Jazmine nice to meet you two, so I guess we will come pick you two up after the store closes " Jack said as he slid me his phone, he had the new contact up on his phone. I put in my phone number and my name and slid it across from him.

"I'll see you tonight okay" he said as he wink on me.

"Okay, playboy I'll see you tonight maybe " I said as I went to the back of the store folding clothes.

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