Part 15

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I knew Chester had a point, of course. If I was going to stay, I had to learn to live around other giants, especially Chester's family. I didn't want his parents springing a surprise visit on us, much like the incident that occurred with Jasper. However, Jasper had no prejudice against humans, and he had only ingested me by accident after all. He had been cordial and friendly once everything had been explained. I couldn't expect the same courtesy from Chester's parents, apparently. They might even intentionally harm me. The thought terrified me.

I would prefer to be introduced to them on our terms, when we were ready. I suggested to Chester that if this was really what he wanted, he needed to break the news to them and arrange to meet up once they had processed the new information. Perhaps, by giving them some time, they might cool off and accept his decision to date a human before I had to actually come in contact with them. Chester agreed, but I noticed he was dragging his feet in regards to actually talking to them. At first, I didn't pressure him, since I wasn't too keen on meeting them myself. His procrastination, however, started to concern me. Was he that afraid of telling his parents?

"Chester? Are you going to call your parents and tell them?" I nagged. He was typing on his computer. He had been working on his writing while avoiding the issue at hand.

He closed his eyes and rubbed his temple with one hand. "Maybe this whole thing was a bad idea. I don't want to put your safety at risk." He regarded me forlornly. "I just... want us all to be a family together. I want you in my life completely, I don't want to have to hide you from my relatives like I'm ashamed of you."

"I feel the same way Chester," I agreed softly. "You don't have to worry about me, I can defend myself with my magic if need be. And of course I'll have you to protect me too."

"You... really mean that Jackie?" Chester inquired. He laid his chin on the desk so his face was closer to me. I could just barely reach his lower lip with my hand if I raised my arm. I kissed him where I could, on his chin.

"Of course," I answered.

"Alright. I'll go call them then." He grasped me in his hand and walked over to his phone, a landline on the side table in the living room. Giants didn't have cell phones apparently. I had noticed previously their technology wasn't quite as advanced as ours. He sat down on the couch and placed me in his lap. He picked up the phone and paused. Taking a deep breath, he dialed the phone number and waited. I could hear the phone ringing on the other side through the speaker. A click as someone picked up the call.

"Hello?" a deep baritone voice spoke. The voice alone sent a chill up my spine.

"H-hi Dad," Chester began, tripping over his words a bit.

"Chester," the deep voice said flatly. "Now this is unexpected. Haven't heard from you in a while."

"R-right. Sorry Dad, I've been... busy." An awkward pause. Why was Chester so intimidated by his father?

"What's this about, boy? Speak up." There was an edge of irritation in the remark.

Chester was starting to sweat. "Well Dad... I wanted to introduce you and Mom to someone. A girl I'm dating."

"Mmmm... it's about time Chester. You've been single too long. We can't let our bloodline die because of useless sons."

Chester reddened. "Um... about that... the thing is..." He was getting tongue-tied.

The voice on the phone huffed with impatience. "Whatever you want to say, just tell me tomorrow. You can bring the little lady by to our house for supper. I'll have your mother prepare a nice meal."

"Wait Dad-" Chester tried to speak up, but his father had already hung up the phone. Chester stared down at the phone in his hand as the dial tone hummed. He placed the phone back in the holder, still staring off into space where the phone had been. He remained frozen for a minute before crying out in frustration and burying his head in his hands.

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