Chapter 2

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Once he took a bite of his sandwich his eye opened so wide i swear they could have been half the size of his head but that's when i saw it. His pupils were very long and thin running up and down his eye and that's when i knew he was one of them. He cringed in pain as i slowly stepped back examining him from a safe distance his legs quivering and him begging to turn to his true form. His skin begging to turn a sickly green color a small tail forming than he dropped to his knees barley holding himself up as the affects of the sauce began to do its magic his lower body began to give in and he looked up at me cursing my name with a slight lisp dragging out his s's than in a quick flash i heard his spinal cord snap and begin to deform curling up into him his legs and tail being pulled with it his upper body desperately holding onto a chair leg but no matter how hard he tried it was futile he would soon be swallowed up into a ball of his own mass due to the effects of the sauce this is why it is they only true counter measure to their kind.

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