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- Currently, she's 42 years old.

- Rouge's parents got divorced when she was only 6. Her father won the custody battle, and she didn't get to spend a lot of time with her mom. She wasn't outright abusive, but Rouge felt emotionally detached from her.

- Since Rouge was born in the early 90's, she was terrified that her parents wouldn't support her for being trans. She came out at the end of high school and started raising money for her transition after graduation. Eventually, her boyfriend, Arjun Pabhu, started helping her, too. As for her parents, they weren't entirely supportive, but they respected her and used her preferred name.

- By the age of 25, Rouge had fully transitioned and was even anatomically able to become a mother, which she was over the moon about. She knows that this isn't the reality for all women, but for her, motherhood is extremely important, and it helps with her confidence in her being transgender. When she found out she was pregnant, she started sobbing with joy: she couldn't wait to raise a baby of her own.

- Rouge was 26 when she lost her baby, who ended up being a stillborn. She was heartbroken and developed both post-partum psychosis and post-partum depression. A few months later, Arjun, who was now her fiance (he had proposed while she was pregnant), died in a terrible car accident.

- It was then that Slenderman started to target her. Throughout the next few months, Rouge's mental health deteriorated more and more until her parents threatened to send her to a mental hospital. One night, Slenderman finally appeared to Rouge by luring her in with the sounds of a baby crying, and she officially became a proxy.

- She doesn't mind when people call her Heather, as it's her chosen name. But admittedly, she prefers Rouge, as she thinks it sounds more nature-like.

- Rouge is a free spirit, and she loves adventure.

- Her special interests are dogs of all kinds (particularly wolves), nature, and classic literature, especially Frankenstein.

- She's therian and feels a very strong emotional and spiritual connection to wolves. She likes howling, crawling on all fours, and she even wears fake fangs sometimes. She's considered using neopronouns, but she's too insecure.

- As a kid, Odessa sometimes babysat her. The last time they interracted before they both became proxies was when Rouge went to Odessa's wedding with her parents. Rouge was always scared of her.

- It was her idea to put claws on her gloves. Apart from helping her kill her victims, it makes her feel more dog-like.

- Rouge doesn't mind killing adults, but she hates the idea of murdering anyone under 18: she could never willingly take a child's life.

- She feels a maternal connection to quite a few of her fellow proxies, taking them under her wing and taking care of them. Over half of them even call her "Mama." She's the mother hen of the Alliance and looks out for all but a few of the other proxies.

- Most of the time, if not looking after the others, Rouge is always roaming around the forest. She loves everything about it (except the mosquitos) and feels that she can truly be herself outside. Sometimes, she even spends the night out there.

- Other than Toby and Odessa, she's Slenderman's best proxy.

- She's extremely stealthy. Her boots are also padded, so they won't make as much noise.

- Rouge is great at climbing trees, pouncing on her victims from above being one of her favorite tactics. She loves climbing.

- She's incredibly devoted to her son, Desmond, and is a little too overprotective. She can somewhat be described as a helicopter parent, but Wilson tries to calm her down.

- One of her stims is a vocal stim that sounds like a bird cooing.

- Rouge is a godawful driver. None of the other proxies trust her at the wheel.

- She has a pet wolf named Cobalt, whom she took in when she found him as an abandoned cub. She has such a strong connection with him that it can even feel supernatural at times. She even trained him to help her on missions. He's by her side 24/7.

- She doesn't like standing up for a long period of time. If she feels as though she's been standing upright for too long, she'll squat, sit down, or lean against something (or Wilson). She's also quite fidgety, and she often chews on her clothes.

- Her bookshelf is full of works of classic literature. Her favorite book of all is Frankenstein.

- Rouge often prioritizes those she loves over herself to an unhealthy degree, both physically and emotionally. She often has to be forced by Wilson and the others to take care of herself.

- Of course, she's extremely protective over her loved ones. At times, she has such a desire to be a mother figure that it can almost feel invasive, but she always means well.

- She often calls the Alliance her "pack" and most of the other proxies her "children."

- Rouge is quite sensitive and gets emotional easily. She can also be impulsive at times, but she tries to be patient.

- Out of all the other proxies, she arguably hates Odessa the most because of how awful a mother she is and how she treated her son. She wants her dead and won't deny that she'd take great pleasure in ending her life, but she knows that killing another proxy will end in her being severely punished.

- Rouge has chosen to try and form a bond with Keith. One day, she showed up to his and his family's house with an apple pie she made with X-Virus and offered her services as a friend. Randy felt rather uncomfortable at first, but Keith accepted her offer, and she became a family friend (Jeff and Ben weren't too sure about this, but Rouge assured them that she still loved them).

My Creepypasta/Slenderverse Headcanons [CONSTANTLY EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now