To work

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Henry arrived home and took off his seatbelt and stepped out of the car, closing the door behind him. He clumsily stuffed his car keys in his coat pocket and hoisted up Burntrap. Then he placed the rabbit animatronic on his doorstep and opened the front door. The inside of the house was empty as always. He pulled off his gloves and reached for the light switch.

"Why does it have to be so high up..." he grumbled, finally touching the switch. The room illuminated and he spun around, picking up Burntrap bridal style as he blushed a little.

"Will (oof) would definitely make fun of me for this"

He walked down a long corridor and turned to face a doorway leading into a dark staircase. Henry carefully made his way down the stairs, the sound of his breathing and Burntrap's stiff limbs creaking echoing around him.

"I never thought I'd have to use this place again..." he said quietly as he entered the basement, gazing at the rows of tools gathering dust. Massive blueprints were plastered all over the walls and a huge table was in the middle of the room, covered in inky black oil.

He lay the rusted animatronic on the table and inspected it. Blood was splattered across its body and the top half of its head had also fallen apart, revealing a decaying human face. Henry shuddered.

"Oh so this is what happens to people when they get springlocked and caught on fire twice. Eugh," he grimaced, "It's really disgusting."

He began working on Burntrap, cleaning as much blood as he could, fixing its voice box, quickly tightening the springlocks and creating a scruffy head so he wouldn't have to see the face of his dead ex-best friend but that was about all the work he did on it because he had other plans in mind.

Heart Burn - a Helliam/Willry storyWhere stories live. Discover now