Killer Queen of the Spiders

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I pulled on my suit and left the house, scrambling into the jet and took off for Las Vegas. There is an abusive man there with a wife and two kids.

One kid is pretty young, but old enough. And one... well, I can't really find anything on him except the fact that he is a basic delinquent kid.

I landed far away, slipped on my mask, put on the concealing makeup, and drove the rest of the way on my motorbike. His wife and kid are asleep now. If they listened to the note I gave them, they should be in a hotel at a casino right now, actually. Nice place.

I pulled up and hid my bike in some bushes before breaking into the dingy house. I quickly went to where the guy was watching some trash tv and slapped a chloroform drenched rag over his mouth and nose. He tried to fight but it was futile.

He passed out quick and I drug his body to the basement.

"Fuckin fatass..." I grumbled, continuing to drag him to his basement. The basement that was about to be covered with red.

I eventually got Fatass on a chair, and tied him to it. Waiting around for this piece of shit was going to be boring as hell. So I started sharpening the knife that was going to kill him.

"Where the hell am I?" His obnoxious voice alerted me to him.

"Hey, you bitch, I'm talkin to you!"

"Well... I don't feel like talking," I state as I drag the knife across his collarbone. It was obviously too close for his comfort but that is what made this kill all the more worth it.

He got a taste of his own medicine

I slapped him, punched him, ripped out some hair and nails, and fileted some skin off of his revolting self.

Just as I was going to take the kill, some kids barged in on me. One of them, I recognized as his older kid. The one I couldnt find anything on.

We stared at each other for a minute before I stabbed my knife into his thigh, causing the lump of human flesh to scream. I approached the group of kids, causing those guys to get super defensive.

"I believe... this kill..." I side-stepped, allowing Mohawk a better visual of his deadbeat dad, "belongs... to you."

Mohawk looked at me like I was crazy.

"If you don't kill him, I will." The message was clear. He will die tonight. No exceptions.

Mohawk walked towards his father, ripped the knife out of his thigh, and raised it above his head, ready to strike.

However... there was hesitance in his eyes... and hesitance just won't do.

I walked over, grabbed the knife from the know kneeling crying boy, and stabbed his dad in the side of his neck. This caused a spray of blood to hit my entire right side. The other kids in the room were horrified at my actions.

You've done this before. It shouldn't matter if there are a few kids watching.

I reached in my pocket and pulled out a latex glove. One with no grooves or distinct markings. I swiped my finger over the side of my body and wrote ABUSER on the wall behind him, lighting it up with some floor lights you'd find in a garage. The blood shone a bright crimson.

"So... do you kids need a ride back to your place or something?" I casually pulled off the glove, turning it inside-out and stuffing it into a bag you'd put dog poop in before slipping it into a pocket on my vest.

"Would a place to stay be too much?" A boy with dark curly hair and a scar running down his face asked. The others were clearly in shock that someone beat them to the punch. Or should I say, killing. I beat them to the killing of old-man home abuser whos in debt to the mafia.

"Not a problem. I've got a place," I walked out of the house, and went up to a payphone, dialed 911, and waited for an operator to pick up.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"There has been a murder at 23 Brookings Lane."

"What? Who is th-" I hung up on the woman, and bolted out of there. The children followed me to an apartment that I usually stay in if I wanna party on the strip before a killing. I unlocked the door and rushed them in.

I dropped my keys on the small glass dish by the door and left my shoes on.

"So... who are you?" Some black kid 'squared up' on me, trying to sound tough.

I laughed, "You can call me Widow." I walked to the garbage can and dropped my dog-poop-bag in there.

"Wait, wait, wait... You're Widow?" A Mexican girl asked me, chuckling.

I raised and eyebrow and looked at the Asian girl who was standing close to Mexi. I assume their friends. "Does she do this often?"

"No," Asia shook her head.

"Well, yes. I'm Widow. и если ты сомневаешься во мне, последнее, что ты увидишь, это мои глаза, когда я буду пронзать тебя, пока ты не превратишься в клочья," I smiled sweetly at her. The Asian girl got very defensive, and swung her sword out in front of Mexi.

"What did she say?"

"I'll say it in a language you understand: Si dudas de mí, lo último que verás serán mis ojos mientras te apuñalo hasta que no quedes más que pedazos."

"Ok, I don't speak nothin' but English so what the fuck is she sayin'?" Black Dude raised his voice.

Mexi shakily responded, "She said 'If you doubt me, the last thing you'll see are my eyes as I stab you until you are nothing but shreds'," She shook like an autumn leaf about to fall off a tree with one final gust.

Everyone was shocked.

"There is a school..." Curly started talking, "for people like us..."

"Us?" My eyes flashed dangerously.

He paused in walking towards me with his hands up like I was a dangerous animal.

"For killers. It is called Kings Dominion. We are going back tomorrow. Would... Would you like to join us?" Curly finished his stupid school's pitch that they have probably fed every student in that place.

"Ya know what, Curly? That sounds fun," I stalked up to him, "of course, only if I get a chance to try and kill you, that is," I purred, trailing my fingers down his shoulder and chest. I could feel his heart pounding beneath my fingertips.

"Anytime, Widow," He gulped and started breathing heavily.

"Good," I smirked.

Maybe, just maybe, this 'Kings Dominion' won't be such a bad idea...

A/N:): ok so I know that Billy's dad dies in a hotel room but I started this before I watched the episode where he dies so please don't judge me on my placement/setting of this imagine. Have a great night/day!

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