Surprise Strength

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"Hey, Garcia, have you seen y/n?" Spencer, who hadn't seen his s/o for quite a bit of time, asked the tech specialist.

"Um, no. But Derek said he was going to work out and that he was meeting someone. You could try him."

"Okay. Thanks."

"Anytime, Boy Wonder!" The bubbly queen waved the profiler goodbye as he walked away.

Spencer entered the elevator to go down to the gym at the FBI Headquarters.

I have never seen them workout... if Morgan's workout partner is them, why haven't they told me?

The doors dinged open and he strutted through the hall, pass the locker rooms, and into the gym.

As he looked around, expecting to maybe find you on a treadmill, but no. He found you on a bench.

Bench-pressing. About 200 pounds. Aka: a lot of weight.

As the tiny profiler watched his strong af s/o bench-press what could easily be his weight in plates and barbell.

As you set the bar down in its' rightful spot on the J-hooks, you sat up, wiped off the sweat, drank some water, and got right back to it.

Obviously, Spencer's jaw dropped. His s/o is lifting weight like a pro. He can barely lift a bed, let alone the weights that your moving with what looked like ease!

As he watched you take off the collar and weight plates, his eyes met yours.

You quickly waved him over with a smile.

"Y/n! Why didn't you tell me?" Spencer pressed his s/o.

"It never came up," You shrugged and grabbed the bar, placing it on the floor.

"Well, I!-... yeah, you're right. But why didn't you tell me about it when we were first dating?"

"Well, I didn't think you'd want a pal who can bench-press your weight," You grabbed some 50 pound weights made for deadlifting before adding a few more plate weights onto the 45 pound bar.

"I wouldn't have cared about that, love. I just want to know what you do for fun, so we can both do it," He grabbed your shoulders, stopping you from moving back to the bar after you got the deadlifting belt.

"Thank you for accepting me, Spence," You kiss him on the cheek, "Would you like to watch me finish my workout or go upstairs and finish up?"

"I'll watch you for a bit but I do have some paperwork to finish up," Spencer sat on another bench, intently watching you put on the belt.

You approached the bar and got into form, grabbing the mass amount of weight, and pushing your feet into the floor to lift the weighted bar. You lifted the bar to your waist and repeated this about 5 times.

Once you finished deadlifts, Spencer had to go back and finish his paperwork.

"Meet you in the bullpen?" Spencer called, walking back to said area.

"You know it! Also, Spence!" You called before running up to him and smashing your lips against his, "Thanks for accepting me,"

"Of course, love. Did you know that 8.9% of Americans actually lift weights?"

"I didn't but now I do," You kissed him one final time before going back to your workout and he went back to the endless cycle of paperwork.

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