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~setting: you and Diego's shared house~:
  Y/N's POV:
It was a Thursday night and I was just laying on the couch texting my friends. I had terrible cramps and I was extremely nauseous. I tried taking pain killers but they weren't working, I tried every method that I could but nothing would work. All I wanted to do was to  lay down and ease the pain, that all happened until Diego came into the house with his friends.
(Y/N went to the front door/hallway area to greet him)

                             Diegos POV:
"Hi amor how was your day?" I asked her as I hugged her, "fine, nothing-", " guys do you wanna go see our new TV?" I asked my friends, they all agreed and we went into the living room. As we went into the living in room I saw a mess everywhere . I felt embarrassed that my friends saw my house in this condition, why didn't she clean it? They started making snarky remarks about her, I saw her getting embarrassed too. Why is she embarrassed when she ruined my image? I don't know what snapped inside of me but I just felt rage, why can't she do a simple task? Why is she acting hurt when she's the reason their mocking me? Why is she so lazy?
                         Y/N POV:
While Diego's friends were laughing he grabbed my arm and pulled me aside. "What were you thinking? Why didn't you clean the house like I asked you too?" he asked in low shout. "I-I forgot to, I'm sorry I just had a-" "Oh, for gods sake cut it with these excuses, you're not a little girl anymore. You're acting fucking childish" suddenly another cramp hit me. I grabbed my stomach as it started getting more intense, my cramps were never this bad. I collapsed to the floor while everything around me felt like it was spinning. "Oh cut the fucking act, stop being dramatic and get up. The least you can do is not mess up my game night" and with that he left the room, without even helping me get up. What a fucking prick.
                       Diegos POV:
"Sorry you guys had to see this, she can be a real lazy bitch sometimes" we all laugh. Lately I've been feeling like shit, my job sucks (he works at an office), my boss sucks, and my co-workers suck. I just wanted to come home and relax with my friends and my girl but instead i did the exact opposite. I wanted to forget about everything, we decided to drink some beers while playing on my PS4.

Time skip: night time
                               Y/N's POV:
I miraculously was able to make it to our room after that fight with Diego. I don't know what's gotten into him lately he's just been acting different. I tried falling asleep but I couldn't my cramps started to get worse. I decided to go downstairs and get some more pain killers to atleast  achieve some relief.

When I got downstairs I heard the boys and Diego talking about me. "Yea shes so fucking lazy, you know Diego you could do better" his friend Matias said (A/N: I picked a random ass name fjxkjdjdkd 😭) "yea she doesn't deserve me, do you mind hooking me up with someone Matias?" Diego said drunkenly. I felt my heart breaking, does he not love me anymore? Is this why he's been so distant and rude lately? Was it all in my head? But drunken words are sober thoughts.( or however the saying goes)All my thoughts were cut off when I got another excruciating cramp. I felt tears swelling up, I don't know if it was because of Diego or of the pain, all I knew was that I needed to get my painkillers.

As I went into the kitchen and scavenged for the painkillers. Successfully I was able to find it, I took a cup from the cabinet and washed it, but as I was getting water the cup slipped from my hand and it shattered every where.

                          Diego's POV:
I was enjoying my time with my friends when I suddenly heard a cup drop from the kitchen. I walked to the kitchen to find Y/N standing there like a fucking idiot "what the hell you can't even hold a fucking cup? What are you  even good for?" I said as I watched her timid face. She tried to say something back but was just stammering "don't you know how to speak? Gosh, you're so fucking incompetent.". I was about to leave when suddenly she said "y-you know what I'm tried of your ass. Youre always so fucking rude to me and so inconsiderate, what have I ever done to you? Do you not love me anymore? You clearly see me in fucking pain but all you care about is your dumbass friends. But you know what Diego? Im not taking  shit from a man who isn't even average height. So if you'll excuse me I'm leaving and don't ever try to contact me again. Y/N said as she tried to hold back tears. "No wait Y/N d-dont go, I-I'm sorry" I said while holding in tears. If she leaves then my whole world is over, she's the reason I keep fighting everyday. If she's not here then there's no point in living.
                               Y/N's POV:
Diego ran after me as I ran out of the house to my car, "no wait baby please don't g-go, hear me out. Will you please j-just fucking listen?" He said full on sobbing. I got into the car and let him bang the window as he kept pleading me not to go. I decided to roll down the window "Diego I'm sorry but please give me some space I have to think about the f-future of this relationship. Even though you still hurt me I-I still love you but I don't know if what you did is forgivable. But please just give me time to think." I said while chocking a sob. Diego looked at me, he took a deep breathe in and said "that's fine, I'll wait for you, no matter how long it takes. I'm sorry for acting like such a jerk, I really don't deserve you. You're too good to me and I was to blind and caught up In my own problems to even see you were hurt. All I ask is for you to forgive me, even if we don't get back together, I don't want to live with the burden that I made the love of my life cry. I'm sorry I've been acting so distant lately work has been putting a toll on me but I shouldn't have taken my stress out on you.
Boyfriends are supposed to be there for their girlfriends when their hurt... not make them even more hurt. All I ask is for you to forgive me" Diego sniffled as he said the last sentence. He gave me a kiss on my forehead and said "I love you" this time I didn't say it back. I just drove off and wondered if things would ever go back to how they wet before

A/N: hey guyssss this is my first book!!! Please give me back feedback, tsymmmmm 🫶🏼

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