Werewolf rules

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Again this is the same as the characters guide. More for me but useful for you guys too.

🐮           Werewolf genrals
🐮    can get sick
🐮     one person, the human part can
🐮     just turn into a wolf
🐮    live in packs
🐮     they do have some animal  inticts
🐮    especially when they shift
🐮      eat a lot
🐮      shift a age 13
🐯            Powers
🐯     super hearing
🐯      super speed
🐯      fast healing
🐯       shape shift
🐯      see in the dark
🐯    Heightened smell
🐯        strength
🐭                         🐭🐥🐥🐥🐥🐥🐥🐥🐥
🐭        Ranks.     🐭🐥        
🐭                         🐭🐥          Alphas
🐭     Alpha.         🐭🐥
🐭                         🐭🐥    * dominate
🐭     Beta.           🐭🐥    * possessive
🐭                         🐭🐥    *  heals faster
🐭      Gamma.     🐭🐥  than other wolfs
🐭                          🐭🐥    * The Leader
🐭      Delta.          🐭🐥    * stronger
🐭                          🐭🐥      powers
🐭      Omega.       🐭🐥    * bigger wolf       
🐭                          🐭🐥    * ❤red wolf
🐭🐭🐭🐭🐭🐭🐭🐭 🐥          eyes
🐥🐥🐥🐥🐥🐥🐥🐥🐥    * black fur
🦥🦥🦥🦥🦥🦥🦥🦥🦥    *alpha
🦥                              🦥          command
🦥            Beta.          🦥🐥🐥🐥🐥🐥🐥
🦥                               🦥🦥🦥🦥🦥🦥🦥🦥
🦥    ♣️ Second in command
🦥    ♣️ beta command
🦥    ♣️ stronger powers but not as
🦥   strong as the alpha
🦥    ♣️ grey fur
🦥    ♣️ 💛 gold wolf eyes
🦥    ♣️ helps run the pack
🌅           Luna
🌅     ♣️ Alpha female
🌅     ♣️Luna command
🌅     ♣️ Alphas mate
🌅     ♣️ female Leader of the pack
🌅     ♣️ can be any rank
🌅     ♣️ when Luna title is official eyes
🌅 will change color to blue 💙
🌅     ♣️ fur color varies
💟           Gamma
💟      *third in command
💟      * head warrior
💟      * responsible for training pack
💟   and pack warriors
💟      * fur color is grey
💟      * eye color is 💜 purple
💟      * lunas protector
🤪         Delta
🤪  * most pack members
🤪  * fur color varies
🤪  * eye color is 💚 green
🤪  * do different jobs
🐹        Omega
🐹  * lowest pack Rank
🐹  * powers are the least strongest
🐹  * Care takers
🐹  * fur color varies
🐹  * eye color is silver🤍
🐹  * does a lot of hard labor
🤖       Mates
🤖     💗 can find at age 16
🤖     💗 can only find when both
🤖    parties are of age
🤖     💗 identical twins gave the same
🤖              mate
🤖     💗 mate = soul mate
🤖     💗 can be rejected
🤖     💗 Not an Imprint
🤖     💗 causes a mate bond
🤖     💗 to complete the mate bond you
🤖   must mark you mate and mate/ s*x
🤖     💗males mark their mate
🤖     💗 rarely do female mark their
🤖             mate
🤖     💗 can have multiple mates
🤖     💗 can have a second chance mate
🤖     💗 find mate by scent and direct
🤖           eye contact
💌          Imprint
💌  * very rare
💌  * you only get one in your whole life
💌  * Runs deeper than a mate bond
💌  * two souls become one
💌  * its like completing the mate bond
💌  without marking and mating
💌  * the mate bond goes along with the
💌  Imprint. You can't have one without 💌           the other.
💌  * you still have to complete the mate
💌        bond
💌  * can't be rejected
💌  * hard to resist

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