🦋Ch. 4🦋

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POV: Skyla 🦋

I made it through the torture of the three days with out coffee. My silent treatment is over with dad. Its now Friday but first let me tell you some of the things that happened this week after Tuesday.

I arranged for our guests to stay at our house. Alpha Rick kinda creeped me out. He kept staring at me. Dad saw this and was not happy about it. He stopped when dad said something about it. Well he didn't stop i still catch him doing it when dad isn't around or he thinks we won't notice.

Some times he would even say thing to me that sent me the wrong kind of vibes. I just try and stay away from him. Luckily they went home yesterday.

Then I've had this feeling as if im being followed but every time I look no one is there. I some how get the feeling something bad is going to happen soon. I just shake that feeeling off thinking I'm paranoid.

I did a bunch of Luna stuff. I actually enjoy doing it. I love working with the orphaned pups. We have a special place in the pack for them. The rest of my week went on like any other teenage girl about to turn sixteen.

Now it's Friday! My birthday. this is the one day of the year I wake up happy and fully awake. Granted I'm still going to drink my three cups of coffee. I'll never give it up. Yes I'm a coffee addict and no I don't have a problem.

I jump out of bed and take a shower. Once done I get out dry my body off, then I brush my teeth and blow dry my hair. After, style my hair and put some make up on. I'm feeling good today.

Now time to get dressed. I put on a mid thigh length high waisted baby pink skirt along with a white short sleeve crop top t- shirt. Paired with a black leather jacket and some flat booties. I add a necklace and braclet to my outfit today. Before I go down stairs, grab my school bag and walk out my bedroom door.

As I open my door the most amazing smell hits me. It smells of coffee and honey. Maybe dad is down stairs brewing the coffee. I rush down but dads not in the kitchen and no brewing coffee. Odd, the scent is everywhere. What is that?

I make my coffee and fix my cup noticing the coffee smells are different. The one with honey smells more intoxicating that my normal everyday coffee. It makes me more curious about the smell. My animal instincts want to follow it but before I can the smell gets stronger as if it in the same room with me.

" Good Morning sweetheart" my dad says as he normally does when he comes down. I turn to him. the scent is so strong now I'm looking for where its coming from. i guess dad smells it too because hes looking around like hes trying to find something.

While doing this I pin piont it. It's coming from dad. Dad's gaze land on me. We lock eye contact. This is how you know someone is your mate. We both freeze. All of a sudden its like two worlds coliding. No one else exists. Its just us. The feeling of a mate mond clicks into my mind and body. its intense. This feels deeper. The mate bond isnt suppose to click in place this way. At least not yet. This is an imprint. How is this possible? Imprinting is Rare.

The realization hits me hard. Its like some one poured a bucket of ice water over my head. All the blood drains from my face. My dad is my mate. How?

Upon this realization I drop my coffee causing the mug to shatter and coffee go everywhere. This snaps us out of our transe. We drop to the ground and begin cleaning it up. picking the class shards up. Our hands brush aganist each other and the sparks that go through my hand are like nothing I've felt before. We both pause upon this feeling for a moment.

I come to my scenses and abruptly pull away. After its all cleaned up we just stand there staring as each other in confusion. Surly this must be a mistake. The moon godess would never pair me with my own father. How is this possible? An Imprint?

Its impossble to rejet an Imprint. An imprint is like Two world coliding. suddenly there is no one else that matters. your whole existense is only for that one persone. they're your best friend, care taker, lover, your everything. Your soul becomes one. Your hearts are of one. This causes the mate bond to completely click into place without being marked and mated. It runs deeper. This is Rare. We are forever bonded in a mate bond now without choice.

A normal mate bond can be rejected. It has steps. To fully complete the mate bond you must mark and mate.

Suddenly I feel a burning on my neck. I notice dad or Jax I guess, what do i even call him now. He had initials tatooed on his marking spot. See when you mark your mate in the spot you bite them your intials will appear in that spot. We didnt have to Mark each other physically because of the imprint.

theres Just one problem the initials on dad are not mine. My intials are S.C, Skyla Colton. The intials on him are M.R. Who is M.R!

" Dad I don't understand. Whats going on? How is this possible?" I finally speak. He looks at me and my neck. I pull my phone out and take a picture of my neck and yes i have his mark, J.C. " I...I don't know, I'm sorry." he response to me. " Why does your mark have M.R on it and I have yours on mine?" i ask him. He gives me a confused look. i do the same with his and show him the picture. " I don't know. let me look into this and i will let you know what i find."
He says calmly. how is he so calm about this. I know its just on the outside. i can feel him freaking out through the bond.

"umm.... lets get you to school shall we" dad says awwardly. It feels weird to call him dad now. It feels weird to call him Jax now too. Maybe i can just call him Alpha for now until i get more comfortable with this situation. Its not like i can get out of it. I guess i will have to learn to accept him as my mate and some how stop seeing him as my dad.

We drive to school in complete silence. We dont even say anything when i get out the car. i just walk into school in a daze.

I see Taylor, Mia and Luke waiting for me by my locker with presents in hand. Mia hands me a starbucks coffee. Oh, good i need it. when she hands it to me i immeiatley latch my mouth on it and drink like half in one go. how i did it with it being so hot i have no idea. " Damn girl! slow it down" Luke says. "Sorry guys long rough morning." Mia hands me the present shes has for me. I open it. It's a tiny pink sparkely collar for some kind of pet. i dont have a pet so what would i do with this? Taylor hands me hers. It's a Pet bed . OK? Next is Luke. he pulls this pet carrier from behind him with a bow on it. in his other hand is a snow white kitten. he hands it to me. they got me a Cat. its so cute!." oh hes so CUTE! Guys this is just great! I love it!" I tell them. " You're welcome girl. its a girl" Taylor says.

I can see Luke looking at my neck. here we go. he smirks. " i can see why you need that offee now." he says " You found your mate this morning?!" Mia says. Taylor asks," So who is it? Who's J.C?" " Guys can we not and no its not like that Luke." " Is he from Blood moon? Is your dad not happy with him" i cringe at Taylor call my Alpha my dad. " No! its...I....We imprinted OK!" they have shocked looks on their faces. they all say "WOW" " Look guys all you need to know for now is its complicted" they all nod and shut up about knowing i don't want to talk about it.

I go about my day. Going to class and getting this day over with.


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