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chapter one
               black sheep

         SHE STROLLED TOWARDS THE SCHOOL, MJ BY HER SIDE. It surley was a sight to see. Eleanor Sterling—the former occasionally saught-after, popular girl. With MJ Watson—the quiet, intimidating, 'weird' girl.

   As weird or strange as it appeared, the two had grown quite close over the summer. Though, they hadn't been seen together yet because Eleanor had been in Hartford since the school year started, completing her school work through email. They met in a bookstore. If we're getting specific here 'The Jungle'. Eleanor had been browsing the Biographies and MJ was restocking the shelf across, soon bumping into eachother unintentionally when Eleanor sparked a conversation hoping to at least get to know the girl as they had 3 of the same classes together. MJ warmed up to the girl rather quickly and they soon planned a meetup at the local coffe shop right near the school. They have hung out there every time theyve had the chance to since.

     As they approached Eleanor's locker, MJ froze.
"Shit.", she cursed at the sudden realization.

   Eleanor turned her head from her locked curiously,
"What?", she questioned, a wrinkle forming between her eyebrows has she squinted.

   "I completely forgot to tell you," she said, blinking rapidly. "We have a project for Biology that's getting assigned today and you also have to make up a 10 page essay on Environmental Nanotaxicology.."

   Eleanor's posture shifted, no longer straight. "I hate Mr.Sklint." she stated. "He is the worst human being on the face of the planet." She closed her locker, both girls turning to MJ's. Eleanor Sterling tried her verg best not to let things get to her, but there was a list of things she absolutely, positively, could not stand. Very, very high on that list was making up work.

    "He's not that bad, Nor." She chuckled, finding amusement in her friend's hatred.

   Eleanor shook her head, "If I go to Hell I am dragging that man right down there with me. I will be his personal chauffeur.", she decided as they came to a stop at MJ's locker, a random couple macking on eachother to their left. "Oh! And that's only considering the fact that—no matter how difficult it is to realize and no. matter. how much it looks like he did—he didn't crawl onto the earth!"

   "A," the Watson girl started as she put in her combination, "you're not going to Hell. You're too much of a people pleaser for that no matter how hard you deny it." she stated, cutting her friend off as she went to interveine "B." she declared firmly, "leave the poor man alone?", she shrugged as she put her books into her backpack, "He's literally an ancient artifact at this point.", she pointed out as they began walking to their first period.

   Eleanor didn't back down. "I hate that man with a burning passion."

   "Whatever you say."

   As the Sterling and Watson walked into fitfth period,  Eleanor made sure to glare hardly at Mr.Sklint, earning a nudge in the shoulder from MJ as she passed Eleanor on her way to the front row, residing right infront of the teacher and right in front of Miss Gwen Stacy. Eleanor truthfully had nothing against the girl but when her aforementioned best friend hated the girl with her whole being, she pretended to show a disliking towards the girl. She's still never apologized though, even though Alice has resided six feet under since—but if you ask Eleanor she'll always tell you its an empty coffin.

"Alright, class. Settle. Settle." Mr.Sklint waved his hands down to his desk as if to lower the volume of the teens voices. He stood up from his desk and walked over to the chalkboard the desks were facing, and picked up the white chalk. Eleanor put her head down in her desk, face scrunched up, fingers plugging her ears. Again, far up on that list of things the girl just could not stand was the sound of chalk on a chalkboard.

She looked up to see 'First Quarter Final Project Partners' written on the deep green board that still had layers of dust from years and years of useage.
"Now, for your partners. You will all be in groups of two. I will assign your project type." He stated, the kids getting up out of their chairs to move to their friends, only to be stopped. "Exscuse me." he cleared his throat, "I will be assigning your partners.", he then smiled and gestured for everybody to return to their seats. They did, without hesitation. If you disrespected Mr.Sklint, youre college letters would not, by any chance, be welcoming you.

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