8 • zircon

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The week has just started but Aizawa already feels the need to go back home and curl into the embrace of his lover. Monday hasn't even ended yet and there was only Homeroom to teach but today somehow drained the Hero more than usual. Whether he wants to blame that on the extra work he had during the weekend or the exhausting interacts with noisy and energetic teens isn't really any bodies business.

"Maybe the dorms weren't that smart of an idea after all."

But Aizawa decides to make it everybody's business by loudly complaining while sitting in the faculty room filled with all the other teachers. They all know that the man is married and totally in love with his spouse but very little of them have actually met the other person. "At least the kids can't bother you this afternoon. They'll be out on their work studies." Midnight leans onto Aizawa's desk, munching away on a granola bar while looking over the man's shoulder as he's currently looking over important papers. Grumbling he doesn't reply the 18+ Hero, keeping his eyes focused on his work rather than engaging further in conversation.

She is right though. With the students out if the door later today they won't have time to throw question after question at his head. If [F/N] were free today he might have gotten the chance to get on video call with them, sadly enough the model will be busy till evening when all the students are going to shuffle back on campus.

While Aizawa contemplates his recent life choices, his spouse is currently on break. For hours already the model had to change from one outfit into another, getting fitted and photographed in mock-ups before having to sit through some intense interviews from teen magazines. It doesn't happen often that a company will reach out for only an interview, and while people might think not having to make cover photos for an interview is easier, it most definitely isn't. Interviews without covers are longer and more in depth, reaching for private information that [F/N] refused to talk about years ago.

Sighing, the model looks away from the various magazines in front of them, putting back the latest edition of a certain one they like to keep up with.

Their break is almost over and in roughly ten minutes Sapphire has to be back in their car, getting driven to their next interview. After the shoot with Hawks a lot more people contacted their agent, asking multiple times to spend even just ten minutes with them to ask about their experience working with a Hero. Honestly a little pathetic considering Sapphire has been in business for years by now and these sites only started paying attention after working with a Hero that isn't even in the modelling industry. But who are they to complain.

"Whoa! Is that Sapphire?!"

Turing their head [F/N] spots the BMI Hero Fatgum squeezing himself through the entrance of the convenient store. His big smile stretches across his rosy cheeks as he walks closer. "Yes! It's me!" Excitedly the model smiles back, reaching out for a handshake. "I feel honoured to meet you like this! Your work is amazing! Sadly I rarely fit in any of the clothes you wear." He laughs wholeheartedly, one hand in [F/N]'s and the other resting on his round belly. "I should feel honoured to be speaking with a great Hero like yourself!" The two bite back with compliments for roughly two minutes before another voice interrupts the adults.

"Fat, we gotta go! Amajiki-senapi is getting anxious all by himself alone."

Kirishima watches the adults turn their heads, staring at the beautiful person with crystal blue hair and smooth skin. His cheeks turn a rosy shade when he realizes that he's been staring rudely at the person, so to distract himself from the embarrassment, he calls out to the BMI Hero. "Do you know each other, Fat?" Fatgum laughs shyly, waving his hands in front of him.

"No no no. I'm just a fan of their work and happen to spot them through the window. They're a model!"

Kirishima nods understanding before bowing his head and greeting the other person. He says both his name and Hero name, hoping to make a good first impression. Their crystalline hair bounces when their shoulders rise, face morphing from a gentle smile into a surprised look. "You're from UA, right?!" Their excited voice once again makes Kirishima's face match his hair but he doesn't let that get the better of him. "Yes!" Chuckling they reach out their hand, waiting for Kirishima to take it before smiling brightly.

"I'm Sapphire!"

The boy doesn't move when their hand slips from his, not even when Sapphire is bidding their goodbye's and strutting out of the store towards a black SUV. "Kid?" It's Fatgum that manages to snap him out of his thoughts, shaking the red haired boy by his shoulders to get his attention back.

Kirishima shakes his head before facing the ProHero "That was Sapphire! A model?!" Fatgum nods, confirming his questionand getting ready to leave the store. While walking Kirishima is swimming inhis head, wondering if someone like his teacher could really be married to amodel. While Aizawa certainly doesn't look like the type to go for looks,there's no way that he'd reach outside of his league either. NonethelessKirishima will be sharing the news with his eager classmates as soon as he'sback inside the dorms.

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