Part one- The funeral

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"Rose" A voice was heard from the doorway.

"Rose its time." The voice called out again.

The 19-year-old girl turned from the mirror; her hair was a Chesnut brown with a lighter blonde ombre at the bottom. She had a solid black lip ring and a stud nose ring which she got done last week for passing her first half of the college term. Then the unthinkable happened, she got a call late Tuesday night it was her mother, Jamie. 

"Rose? It's your grandmother."

"What about her?" Rose asked as she thought back to that night. 

"She's gone, I am so sorry sweetie, her funeral is in two days, and she left some things for us in her will." Rose looked up at the mirror to see a tear running down her face, she quickly wiped it away as to not ruin her makeup. 

"Cmon Rose, its time to go." A man about twenty years old stood in the doorway. He was built, had black scruffy hair, and a lip ring like Rose. Beside him was a girl the same age as Rose, she had platinum blond hair and an eyebrow piercing. 

"Cmon Rosie, everything is going to be alright." The girl said. 

"How can it be Sam? She's gone, the woman who created my love of fashion and of music is gone." Rose said looking back at the two with a mourning face. 

"Hey c'mon don't ruin your makeup, you spent two hours on it. We got you, lets get the day over with and then we can all go out for coffee." Mitch, the guy said as he stood in the doorway.

Rose nodded and grabbed the hands of her two best friends and followed them out of the dorm room. They all met up at the funeral home as they stood outside where her grandmother's casket was to be buried.

"We are gathered here today to remember Evelin Rose Montgomery, in her 97 years of life on this earth she has made more people smile every day than that of which I can count." Jamie Rose's mother said as she turned to look at Rose.

"My grandmother was an amazing woman-" Rose stopped as Mitch put his hand on her back. 

"You got this" He whispered, and she nodded. 

"My grandmother was an amazing woman, one who shed light and love into every person around her. She protected me as I went through this journey called life. She fueled my love and passion for both music and fashion. And not a single day will go by now that I will not stop missing her." Rose said as she walked up to the casket and laid the bouquet of Lilies on top.  

Sam wrapped her arm around Rose and led her back to the car that they came in.

"C'mon Rosie let's get you back to the dorms." Sam said as Mitch nodded. 

As Rose got into the car, she suddenly heard her mother's voice. 

"Rose waits! Your grandmother wanted you to have these." Jamie set a box on Roses lap.

"Thanks mom, It was good to see you." Rose said as her mother nodded and stepped back from the car closing the door. 

Rose entered her dorm room and sat the box on the bed. 

"Hey guys? Can we meet up for coffee a little later? I want to shower and breathe. 

"Of course!" Both Mitch and Sam said as they both walked out of the dorm room after hugging Rose gently. 

Rose listened as the door to her dorm closed and tears started to fall, she laid her hand gently on top of the box looking down at it as tears start to land on the box. 

"How could you leave me like this?" Rose said as she sat down opening the box. 

Inside Rose found some different photos, jewelry, and a brand-new laptop with a posted note on top of it.

"For my rose, you are never alone dear. Keep pulling through you are strong." 

Rose laid the items on the bed and got up grabbing clothes from her closet.

She grabbed some clothes and headed to the attached bathroom, she opened the glass door to the shower and turned it on. As she did so she thought she heard a noise. She opened the door to her room but saw no one, closing the door again she undressed and put some music on her phone. Rose got into the hot shower letting the feeling of sadness and despair fade away as she listened to the music on her phone. 

As she got out of the shower and dried off, she heard the noise again, she quickly laced the towel around herself and walked out of the bathroom. She looked around the room and noticed that the laptop her grandmother gave her was now sitting on her desk in front of her pc. She raised an eyebrow noticing the posted note was not on the screen of her pc and not the laptop. She walked over to the dorm door and locked it. Heading back to the bathroom she locked the bathroom door as well as she finished drying off and got dressed into some baggy sweatpants and a long sleeve crop top. She looked into the mirror and wiped her eyes which were red from crying. She applied some foundation and eyeliner then looked down at her phone to notice a text from Mitch. 

"Hey coffee in five?" The text read, she smiled softly and texted him back.

"Wouldn't miss it caffeine junkie." She smiled more as he replied.

"Real Funny Rose" She couldn't help but laugh reading the message. Mitch had always loved coffee and Caffeine in general, although he was built and worked out quite a bit, he could never shake his love for caffeine. 

Rose walked out of the room and bent beside the desk sliding on her boots, as she stood up, she jumped back noticing the laptop was now open. 

"Okay I have had enough of this!" She grabbed the laptop and walked into her closet shoving it on a shelf and quickly exiting her dorm room.

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