Part Eight-Friends

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As Rose slowly woke up she once again felt her hand wrapped up in Levi's, she felt Jae's hands on her hips and somehow she felt completely safe. She kept her eyes closed even though completely awake as she thought of what had become of her life. Suddenly she heard Levi wake up.

"Good morning Jae" Levi smiled softly.

"Morning, keep quiet she's still asleep" Jae said as Rose felt him gently move some of her hair from her face.

"She really is amazing, after all she's done for us." Levi said with a cute little smile.

"I agree, she really is something special" Jae said as he gently kisses Rose's cheek.

Rose wanted to mess with the boys a bit for laughs so she rolled over and placed her head on Jae's chest gently holding onto his shirt.

"Dude is she?" Levi questioned, his eyes widening.

"Y-Yeah she's laying on me" Jae said nervously.

Rose nuzzled her head into Jae's chest smirking slightly. Jae noticed this.

"You little-" Jae looked up at Levi shaking his head as Rose started to laugh.

"You were messing with us?" Levi questioned as Rose laughed more picking her head up off his chest.

"Yes I was, I heard both of you" Rose said and smiled.

"S-So then you-" Jae blushed hard and looked away.

"Felt the kiss of the cheek?" No not at all! Rose rolled her eyes and laughed.

"Jae shook his head and got up putting his hand on the laptop and was gone within a second.

"Did I piss him off?" Rose questioned looking worried.

"No, he's just embarrassed." Levi said as he kissed Rose on the hand, still holding it. Rose blushed slightly.

"So you have to go meet up with your friends today?" Levi asked curious and slightly protective.

"Yeah I have to go sort things out between me and Mitch. Would help a lot if Jae was there." Rose said as she looked over at the laptop.

"I'll go get the dork, I'll be back princess." Levi said as he got up letting go of Rose's hand, he walked over touched the laptop and was gone in an instant.

Rose looked down at her hand.

"Warm" she thought to herself as she kept replaying the way Levi and Jae held her as they slept. The images replayed in her mind until it hit her.

"Oh no, Rose no you cannot like these guys!" Rose thought to herself as she ran her hands through her hair.

"Okay, okay, today's problems first. Gotta get ready to deal with Mitch." Rose said as she got up and headed to her closet grabbing clothes and getting in the shower.

After she got out of the shower Rose did her makeup, she walked around her room practically pacing. Her nerves were getting to her and she didn't feel safe thinking about the conversation she was about to have with Mitch.

"We're here princess, don't worry your always safe with us here." Rose turned around to see Jae and Levi, she walked over to Jae and hugged him. She watched as he blushed a little and hugged her back, his arms. Something about being in his arms made her feel entirely safe, like nothing could ever harm her.

"Thank you for being here, and about this morning I'm-" Jae cut Rose off

"I know you were joking, I was just embarrassed." Jae said as Rose nodded.

"Well it means a lot to me that your here now. Both of you." Rose put her hand out to Levi and he grabbed it. She did the same with Jae. Now holding both of their hands she looked at the dorm door shaking slightly out of fear.

"We've got you doll" Jae whispered gently into her ear.

"We will be here to protect you and keep you safe, and to support you completely." Levi said in her other ear.

Rose nodded and walked to the door opening it and grabbing the boys hands. Jae led her out of the door and Levi followed behind her.

"Like having two bodyguards" Rose thought to herself, she laughed a little at the thought.

When Rose and the boys made it to the cafe Sam was already there.

"Hey good to see you three!" Same said as she hugged Rose.

"I am so sorry that you got in the middle of this" Rose said worried.

"Girl you are my best friend, he is too. We are gonna work this out." Sam said as she slipped her coffee.

Whilst waiting for Mitch to show Rose and the boys ordered their drinks, Rose got her usual. A ice coffee, Levi was tempted so he got the same and Jae being Jae got a black coffee.

Moments passed like hours and suddenly they noticed as Mitch walked in, he walked over and sat down. Rose felt a wave of fear overcome her. The boys must have picked up on this because Jae, to her right and Levi to her left both took her hands in theirs.

"I'm sorry for what happened Mitch I never meant for any-" Mitch cut Rose off.

"Your boy toy beat the hell out of me" Mitch said angrily.

"After you pissed him off." Rose said and looked at Jae.

"And then he came back and beat me up again Rose." Mitch said sipping his coffee.

"Because you slammed me up against a wall Mitch." Rose said looking at him not backing down.

"So this is all my fault huh?" Mitch said looking at Rose.

"Never once did I say that, it was both of your faults. I know you were trying to "defend my honor" but-" Rose thought for a second.

"But I am not yours to defend." Rose said looking at Mitch, her voice quivered a bit and Levi and Jae tightened their grip gently on her hands.

"So what your his to defend? You've known him what two days Rosie." Mitch said. This started to piss off Jae.

"You don't even know these boys you've known me your entire life Rosie. Honestly I don't know what you see in them or how there is even a choice here. You know me, you know I'm the right choice." Mitch said as Levi locked eyes with Mitch.

"She may not have known us long but we plan to change that, she has been more safe with us than she has been with you for the past years that she has known you." Mitch raised an eye as Levi's voice started to grow louder. As it did Jae started to look more and more shocked.

"And don't you ever for one second tell this amazingly beautiful and kind woman that she does not have a chance, I don't care if she does not choose me. Don't get me wrong I would love to be hers but if not then I would respect her decision, something you are obviously not doing right now so don't you dare for a second tell this woman what she can and cannot chose. And who she can and cannot have in her life." Levi said as angry washed over his face.

"And let me tell you this now Mitch, you ever put your hands on this amazing girl again, if I ever find out you slammed her into another wall. Your head will be going through that fucking wall. You think my brother is bad? I make his beatings look like a fucking cakewalk. Unless you wanna find out just how much damage I can do to the human body I suggest you never lay a harmful hand on this woman again unless you wish to lose your hand. Understand me?" Levi said with anger. He was practically seething due to Mitch's last response.

Everyone looked at Levi completely shocked.

"Glad I make myself clear." Levi said as Rose gave him a small smile and Jae looked impressed.

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