Lobby 11

25 1 39

Forestpaw: So, how was that?

Everyone: Okay.

Forestpaw: Good. And Wolfscar, you got froze by Wonderstar, the Freezer.

Wolfscar: *Grumbles* Stupid...

Wonderstar: Apologies, youngin. It Twas mine job.

Wolfscar: Whatever, you ancient bag of bones.

Bonestar: *Gasp* >:O I am extremely offended.

Wonderstar: What did he say?

Bonestar: I have no idea. *Shrug*

Wolfscar: *Eye twitches* I HATE old people.

Ravenpaw: I love old people. <3 Ily grandma.

Raven's Grandma: Ily too Rav! *Gives fresh cookies*

Ravenpaw: Yay! *Gives everyone a cookie the size of their face*
Everyone have a raisin cookie!

Everyone but Spiderpaw: Omg, thanks!

Spiderpaw: Ewww, I don't want no piece of crap raisin cookie, I'll probably choke on a raisin!

Ravenpaw: *Sigh* Fine, what kind do you want?

Spiderpaw: Choco chip! 🥺

Ravenpaw: *Gives him chocolate chip cookie*

Spiderpaw: :D *Noms*

Spiderpaw: *Can't digest the chocolate*

Spiderpaw: *Chokes on chocolate chip*

Spiderpaw: *Dies*

Ravenpaw: If I'd known having a brother was this bad, I wouldn't of talked to this ninny in his dream.

Forestpaw: Oh-Kay then....


Anchovypaw: Hey, Birchpaw? Wanna go on another date with me?


Birchpaw: I would, but your breath smells.


Anchovypaw: WHAT? Like what?

Birchpaw: Anchovies.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2022 ⏰

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