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Request for: KallMehZana
I'm sorry if it's bad and sorry that it came late

It was the middle of the night, Duck woke up crying and sweating. Duck had the same nightmare again.

Red woke up and hear the crying. He checked on Yellow then Duck. He saw Duck crying. He want near Duck and gave him a hug. He wasn't a good at comforting Duck but he knows how how to comfort Yellow, so he just hugged Duck.

Duck jumped a little and felt someone hugging him. It was Red. Duck hugged Red tightly.

"Wo you ok Duck?" Red asked Duck.

"No..." Duck answered quietly.

"You know you can talk to me right?" Red said.

"Yeah...." Duck said in a sad voice.

"Well do you want to talk about it?" Red asked.

"No...." Duck answered.

"Um...ok what do you wan-" Red said before he was pulled in the bed.

"Sleep?" Red said.

"Yes now shut the fuck up" Duck said aggressive.

"Ok chill" Red said.

Duck hugged Red and Red hugged Duck. Duck felt like a little teddy bear. Duck put his head in Reds chest and fell asleep fast because of how warm Reds chest was. Red giggled a little and then fell asleep.

The end

I'm sorry it came late it's because of school and other things too and I'm sorry it was short to 😭

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2023 ⏰

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