Ch 6 The end game

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"Where were we hmmm?" I say smirking

(Cade's POV)

I flew after the running Zod. "What scared you to fight me huh?!" "No, just getting away from the girl. So you don't have anything distracting you." "Cade-el I invoke the ancient rules of krypton and challenge you to a duel." "I accept these rules.....May the best man win." We fly straight at each other. He slides under me and fires a few shots of his rifle. Only for me to deflect them with my shield. I grab my lasso and throw one end around the barrel of the gun and yank it away. It slides in front of me. So I crushed it with my foot. He's visually pissed off. He rushes me with a fury of punches and kicks. Right hook I blocked it, a left jab to the gut I pushed it aside, a strike to the head I backstep, he tried to kick me in the face but I grabbed his ankle and threw him. Only for me to grab his cape and test out the gauntlets of zeus. He screams out in pain from the ahem 'electroshock therapy'.

When I let go his armor is smoking. "Yield Zod I don't wanna kill you." "Oh but I wanna kill you!" He turns quickly and lunges at me. Tackling me to the ground. Taking advantage of my surprised state he proceeds to beat my face in. I throw him off and start throwing punches at him. He dodges most but some do land. We go at it for what seems like hours. We ended up tearing each other's armor off. Both of us were equally battered and bruised. "Why fight. To protect these people and the girl. What does this planet have that means so much huh!?" "It's my home! My family is here, the woman I love is here, and I'm not going to fail them like I did krypton! You should know what it's like to love something this much. In fact I know you do. You were in love with my mother. But she chose Kal over you. So you hated him." "You have your fathers looks and your mothers brain huh? I couldn't kill him for taking her. So I'm going to kill you."

We start exchanging blows once more. Until he grows tired. We both hear a woman scream. "Somebody help us, we're trapped. He smiles insanely and flies to the women screaming. Shit....this dude is batshit insane! I think to myself quickly following. Only to find him about to off the family with his heat vision. (A/N If you've seen 'Man Of Steel' you know the scene.) "Zod NO!" He doesn't kill them straight away but every second the heat vision gets closer. "Kill me Superman! It's the only way you can save them. I try to extend my shield but it won't open. Damnit must have gotten damaged in the battle. I think. I fly over to Zod and grab the sides of his head preparing to snap his neck. "Please Don't make me do this!" I beg with tears in my eyes. He laughs hysterically. 'SNAP' Can be heard all throughout the building. His now dead body falls over.

I pick him up and walk out. Using my heat vision to clear a path for the others. People look at me with shock. I fly into the air and toward the sun. Once there I let the body burn. I sob. "Goodbye Uncle." For the next few hours me and Carol along with any other heroes that were around help out the civilians. Afterwards we all celebrated at avengers tower. But I can't so I go and sit on the edge of the landing pad. At some point Carol sits next to me and intertwines our hands leaning on my shoulder. "Hey, I know he was your only family left and all but you did the right thing. Your choice saved hundreds of thousands of lives today." "You're wrong.....You're my family, Skylar and my mother are my family. I'm not alone but it doesn't stop the guilt." "And It won't for a while. Not to mention we are gonna have at least one scar each from today to remind us. But it'll go away eventually." I laugh and peck her forehead. "You missed." She says. "Huh?" She taps her lips. I laugh at her antics and kiss her passionately. "You might be getting lucky tonight, fly boy." She says with a perverted smile. I gulp. Oh god......But hey that is life and I fucking love it. I think to myself.

And there's nothing I'd change about it.....


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