Chapter 4

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Humans,such fragile and simple creatures only living,dying and reproducing as if they don't have a care in the world but even so they love,think, feel, and understand and that, that right there is what makes them special but there's a price, consequences that are unavoidable.Heartbreak, Vulnerability and an unknown disaster that's waiting right around the corner for you.

Just know that if you hide it doesn't go away....


Sitting on the couch that's placed on the left corner of the room I continue to twirl the pen that's coated in Xander blood around my fingers as he lies lifeless on the ground 2 feet away from me.Reality has finally settled in while I reflect on my action and choices I made not even less than 10 minutes ago.

What the hell did I just do?

Throwing my head back I let out a needed huff of air.I really should've taken my own advice,feels as if I've contradicted myself...Well I shouldn't dwell on it too much since it's already done.

I wonder what's taking the old man so long.I hate to admit it but I'd rather be in my cage than here.Throwing the pen across the room I huff in frustration, I'm tired of being in here.It's suffocating and I want out.

Walking towards the door I pull the handle opening it.Walking out i'm stopped by the guards who escorted me here.

"Sorry ma'am but you're not allowed to leave this room until we're given orders to allow you out."

Rolling my eyes I respond.

"I'm done here so tell your idiotic boss to let me go back to me pen.I'm tired and want to sleep."

Grabbing his walkie talkie looking thing he repeats what I just said to the old man. Without the idiotic boss part of course.

Giving his okay they walk me back towards my pen opening it as I walk in.Closing it, they lock it before disappearing.

Walking towards my favorite corner I lay down.Relief washes over me as I inhale.The floor made have been hard, dirty, and cold but at least I feel comfortable to actually fall asleep, besides I only got at least 2 hours of sleep in before being particularly dragged to the old man's office, so I could care less about the soreness i'm going to be feeling when I wake up.


Slouching against the chair I let out a sigh.How did I know I was going to end up here again.Maybe I should've considered my choices before killing him.Do I regret killing the dude, no not really.Do I wish I would've thought about the consequences before making the choice, yes I do but I've went and done it already so why dwell on it.

The old man is probably furious. Xander was probably an important asset to him,specifically because he's a rich bastard with more money than balls but I could honestly care less.What's done is done and there's no changing that.

A furious bald old man walks through the door with a red face and hands balled into fist.

Yep, he's definitely angry, I'd even go as far and say he's more than angry, he looks like could murder me on the spot.

Finding it amusing, my lips turn upwards as a smile creeps onto my lips.

"Wow old man slow it down."I say in a mocking tone

"You okay there man you're pretty red, you just might burst from the looks of it."

Throwing my head back I laugh, it's loud,hoarse and absolutely hideous but what does it matter? It's been a while since I got to laugh like this and it feels exceptional,amazing and suddenly I feel like crying and I don't know why.

Slowly my laugh dies down and a loud hiccup emerges from the back of my throat, my body jerking forward because of it.

Standing in front of me the old man glares at me.If looks could kill I'd definitely be dead.He looks less than amused as he stares at me with his arms crossed over his chest, too bad for him though because I thought the joke was hilarious.


It's been five minutes, five minutes and all I'm hearing is silence.

Really loud silence

Agitated is how I'm feeling right now.The silence is excruciatingly unbearable and suddenly I wish he would say something, do anything to break the silence but he doesn't and with that I decide to take matters into my own hands and do it myself.

"What old man, you just gonna stand there and stare or are you going to speak?"

Glaring the frown that was already elicited on his face grows deeper.

"Do you have any idea of what you've done girl?"

"I killed him, that's what I did, so yes I'm aware of my actions old man."

Growling in frustration he throws a temper tantrum turning him red once again.

Maldito Perro, I think to myself while rolling my eyes.

"You're acting like a child, you know that right?"

Snarling at me he replies

"Shut your mouth before I shut it for you."

He acts like such a freaking child it's almost amusing and undeniably embarrassing.

'If you're gonna do something please get on with it, for I am tired of hearing your voice and seeing your hideous face."

He snaps, slapping me across the face as my head whips to the side.

Letting out ragged breaths he speaks.

"I should kill you, end your life in the most painful way possible but that would be doing you a favor and I can't leave you with that satisfaction knowing what you've done, so i'll show you mercy this time girl."

Rolling my eyes I let out an annoyed huff of hair.Did he want a freaking cookie, maybe an award.It's as if he expects me to be grateful.Well he better snap back into reality because i'm not.

Ending my life is a job reserved for me and only me and when the time comes I'll be ready and suddenly excitement coarse through me as the thoughts of all the possible scenarios and ways I could end myself flashes through me 

I just can't wait...

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