Chapter 6

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Life, fragile yet precious mediocre yet something we can't escape.A consistent cycle of eating, sleeping, drinking, reproduction, and death.Everyday we do the same things as if going around in a never ending circle unless were sleeping of course because to us that's when times stop, a time to rest our minds, and body's and think nothing of it but then again when you wake up the cycle starts once more and it continues again, and again, and again till death but even then it's still the same.The cycle never stops, but sometimes life isn't so mediocre.

Life can be painful, it can be precious, hard, draining, magical but even then the lessons we learn are worth it because without them how would we be able to survive this beautifully cruel world.

Life shouldn't be taken for granted but it is and that right there shows how ungrateful and selfish some of us can be but what can I say, were nothing but mere living organisms in a world filled with messed up things some being our own kind and that's reality something we cannot change no matter how hard we try.

Life isn't something you watch, it's a time where you live and laugh and that right there is something that makes life slightly bearable.

YOLO right.


Being abnormally tired didn't usually scare me, but then again, I didn't usually wake up only to fall back unconscious again, and again.

I had been moving in and out of consciousness for the past I have no idea hours and the consistent cycle was really starting to irritate me.

Maybe the old man did give me a concussion and brain damage.

With a croaky cough I slump further against the wall in attempt to soothe the aching in my head along with the soreness in my body.It does very little.

Bringing my hands up to rub against my temples, another attempt to soothe the aching but it also does very little it only seems to intensify the ache.

Groaning in frustration I decided to leave it alone while slumping further against the wall.Maybe I shouldn't have provoked him.Nah it was definitely worth it.The faces he made were priceless.

Chucking at the memory I slowly try to stand up.Dizziness hits me like a ton of bricks and suddenly everything turns sideways.I suppose I shouldn't have tried to get up just yet.

Hitting the ground with a loud thud.I curse under my breath at the pain that shoots throughout my whole body.Grumbling under my breath I sit up ignoring the stinging in my head and body.Attempting to stand up again I put my hands against the wall pushing myself upwards.This time I don't fall but the instability in each step taken has me thinking otherwise.

Finally making it to the cage's metal door I put my hands through the vertical holes slouching against it while letting my head rest against the cool metal slightly soothing the annoying ache.

Looking to the side I call out to pretty eyes.

"Psst, dude with the pretty grey eyes."

Turning his head he looks at me with furrowed brows, lips slightly tilting upwards.

"What is it weirdo."

Groaning at the dumb nickname I speak.

"Come here."I say in a high pitched whisper.

"I gotta tell you something."

Letting out a soft sigh he begins to make his way towards me stopping at the brick wall a few centimeters away from me.Leaning against it he turns to me speaking.

"Go on."

"I have to pee."

Scrunching his face up he cringes.

"Do you have to use such vulgar words?"

Chucking, I reply back.

"I could care less about my choice of words."

"It's inconvenient and none of my concern whether you'll be able to handle my choices of words or not this world is a place you so called have to endure including the pleasures and displeasures that comes with it."

Suddenly he turns his body towards me looking at me with what I presume to be bewilderment and understanding.

"You really are a weird one."

Rolling my eyes I speak

"Wow, you say the most idiotic things some times."

Shaking his head a smile tugs at his lips as he begins to walk towards me.Taking out what seems to be a weird looking key moves towards the metal bars sticking it into the keyhole and opening it.Taking My arms out of the holes of the metal bars I try to stand on my own.

Unsteadily I walk out of the cage grabbing onto the wall trying to steady myself but suddenly arms snake around me and I'm lifted off the ground, strong arms wrapping around my waist and under my knees lifting me off the floor.

"What are you doing?"I ask him, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Helping you of course, seeing as you're trembling so much that it seems you'll collapse without even taking your first step."

Frowning up towards him I speak.

"Are you implying that I am incapable of walking by myself?"

"No, I'm simply stating that right now you are not able to walk on your own whether you'd like to admit it or not."

"Are you lecturing me right now pretty eyes?"

Chuckling, he shakes his head, setting me down in front of a familiar door I've only gone through once or twice.What can I say? I'm severely dehydrated and he rarely allows me to wash .

"Go on."He says ushering me inside.

"I'm going, i'm going, geez calm your tits man."

Giving me a blank stare he crosses his arms over his chest leaning against the wall while nodding his head towards the bathroom door.

Walking inside as best as I can I immediately go to relive my bladder before wiping and washing my hands.Looking up into the mirror I internally groan.I look like more than a mess.I have absolutely no words, no words at all to describe what i'm currently seeing in the mirror right now.

Huffing out I dry my hand before steadying myself against the wall and slowly walking out.Pushing the door open I usher the pretty male to hurry up and carry me before I actually collapse.Grabbing me once again he lifts me up as he begins to make his way back towards the cell.

"How many more days."

Looking down at me in understanding he sighs looking back up focusing on the path back towards my cell.

"Four days."

I can't help the smile that breaks out across my face as he mumbles those two words.

"You're not thinking of doing something crazy right?"

Grinning up at him I speak.

"How did you know?"

Huffing out a sigh, something he seems to be doing a lot lately the corner of his lips tugs slightly upwards.

"So I shouldn't be surprised When you pull the most idiotic stunt in less than 4 days huh."

It seems to be a rhetorical question but I answer it.

"I don't think you should."

"Good to know."he says before shutting himself off.

Four more days.

Oh how I cannot wait.

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