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     "How did you lose him in the bathroom" I whispered "A lefty wouldn't have failed me" Wednesday mumbled as he changed his posture "Don't sulk or I'm gonna have to find new evidence myself since you lost our only lead"

"I see you finally made a friend, Even if it is a plant," Bianca said from behind snapping all our attention to her "I go for quality over quantity" She rolled her eyes turning back to her friends.Walking around to find a seat we had no luck sitting together

"There's an open spot next to me," Xavier said to Wednesday "If you can stand sitting that close to an elitist snob" She sighed and went to sit with him.

"Hey" Someone tugged me from behind "Yoko went to sit with her friend, Wanna sit here?" Looking at her I hesitated "Fine then, stand up. be my guest" Biting my lip I sat next to her watching Xavier try to impress Wednesday.

She hit the spider with her hand sending it into pieces as we laughed "We are thrilled to have you both here with us, On our journey to the world of carnivorous plants now... Who can tell me the name of this beauty?"

I raised my and watched Bianca do the same "Dendrophylax Lindenii" Wednesday said suddenly "Otherwise known as the ghost orchid" I continued. 

"First discovered on the isle of wight in 1854" "Perfect Claire, Looks like you may have competition for the first chair Bianca" She turned to look at her "Wednesday, Perhaps you can identify the ghost orchid's greatest qualities" 

"resistance and adaptability, It's able to thrive in even the most hostile environments" watching as Bianca and her friends stare in awe A piece of paper slipped against my arm. 

Your sister is insanely smart

Shut up and focus on class 

Passing the note back she had her Lips pressed together, are you jealous? Don't worry I think you're smart too :D This time I decided to keep the paper without replying.

"but its more presence can change the eco-system causing the established plants to reject it" Biance dropped in on Wednesday "Usually because the native species is allowed to thrive unchecked nothing a weed wacker couldn't fix"

"you can most certainly try" she Lowered her head "are we still talking about flowers?" Xavier said as the class laughed "Thank you ladies for those illuminating insights" I watch Bianca and my sister have a stare-down.

"Clearly the plants aren't the only Carnivores in class today"


"We have to get back to the woods," Wednesday said as we walked towards Enid "But Weems has been watching me like a Vulture circling a carcass" "And you want me to cover so that both of you can return to the scene of a crime that didn't happen?"

"We have beekeeping club this afternoon, I need you as a decoy" She flashed a Shaky smile "Sorry, two strikes...I'm busy and bees creep me out Why don't you ask Thing? oh wait you can't cause he's mad at you"

"Why is he mad? He was the one who screwed up" Wednesday looked down "all I know is we spent an hour giving each other manis, and He really opened up"

"He feels you don't respect him as a person" She continued painting the Canoe "Well technically he's only a hand"

"Claire, He's your family. and he would do anything for you... Go apologies and I'll reconsider helping you" Sighing I followed Wednesday to the dorm.


Opening the door I checked our side of the room for him to find him on Enid's bed looking at a magazine "I snapped at you, I'll check my tone in the future now chop-chop before our leads turn cold" Turning back I was stopped by the sound of the magazine still flipping.

"What is it that you want? hand cream? Nail buffer? new cuticle scissors? Consider it done" He closed the book throwing it aside and gesturing for us to sit down earning a sigh from Wednesday.

"I know we're stubborn single-minded and obsessive but those are all traits of great writers...and serial killers- what's your point?" Watching as Thing signed at us I shuffled a bit feeling quite comfortable here.

"I have nothing to get off my chest and I'm not submitting to your emotional blackmail... Fine" She pulled out a piece of paper that she showed me last morning "When Rowan showed me this it confirmed my greatest fear... that we're going to be responsible for something terrible- Not good terrible like Ivan, Bad terrible"

"I can't let that happen, especially to Claire" I listen to her say as I stare down at the picture of me holding a swore while the school was burning. "That's why I need to find out the truth" He touched my hand and tapped it slightly "Breath a word of this to anyone and I will end you"


"If Weems is sniffing around, Keep your distance and don't say a word" I tugged the hat looking if I left a spot "Payback is gonna be a bitch" "I expect nothing else"

"Blab and I will squeeze you like a honeycomb" I whispered to Eugene "Snitches get stung its hive code, Besides I should be thanking you this is the most girls I've had in the shed... other than bees"

"Shocking" He tilted his head to look at Enid who already wanted to get out of here "I've always had a thing for Warewolf chicks" "The chance that Enid ever becomes romantically interested in you is less than 1 percent" I snapped back.

"So I've still got a shot!" his eyes brightened, and I rolled my eyes turning back to Enid "Good luck, Enid," I said hitting the bee hat Before going out to meet my sister.


ᴀʟʟᴜʀɪɴɢ ──Enid SinclairWhere stories live. Discover now