🔆Dunce and Wicked🔆

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🔆Felicity POV🔆

"It was really great seeing you again Isabell," I said getting up to leave

"Thank you, Felicity, I would definitely consider doing it cause I really need the money," she said

Been there, I would help her but I can't just help everyone who comes crying for money.

"I really do understand I have been there,"

"But not everyone is lucky to get a husband out of it," she laughed.

I smiled

"A loving one at that, I can't wait to go home and see him," I giggled like a school girl.

I miss that long black monster-looking half-idiot of a man that I own.

I start getting horny just thinking about him.

I hugged Isabell and left the building to go home.

While driving I decided to send my hubby a Voice note.

"Ariel overgrown Bwoy make sure yuh naked when me reach,"

When I got home I noticed two cars in the driveway.

One was Nates but why is it in the driveway and not in the garage?

I didn't even stop to check who the second one belonged to.

I quickly got inside cause I can't wait to see him.



I called to no avail.

I rushed up the stairs to our bedroom so I could get changed then check the backyard to see if he might be having a meeting around there.

When I entered the room I was still smiling excited to finally see him after a long day but that smile quickly disappeared when I noticed a bra and panty on the floor.

My mouth formed an O as I covered it in shock with my trembling hands.

I took a few steps closer and stepped on a handbag that I know all too well.

My eyes were now blurred with tears, I slowly look up to see my best friend and husband fast asleep in our marital bed both naked with their clothes all over the room and a half-empty Campari bottle on my nightstand.

Non a them not even like Campari wah the fuck is this.

I was shaking, this is the worst thing that could ever happen to a person my heart not only shattered but it fell into a bottomless pit at the sight.

A so them did a work hard that non a them no hear me come in?

And they are both light sleepers?

My salty tears burn my face, after I was content with my observations I couldn't hold it anymore.

"Nathaniel!" I screamed

And he jumped out of his sleep and started looking around confused as if he doesn't know where he is.

He turned to see Moyan next to him completely naked and poorly covered under the sheet.

He jump out of her hold and started to shake her awake.

"Moy! What are you doing?" he asked

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