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 Walking through the Woods I suddenly felt someone pulling me from behind, He had his hand over Wednesday's mouth.

"Sorry, I didn't want Elvis to pick up on your scent," He said looking out to the woods "thanks. how did you throw him off?" reaching for his pockets he pulled out a bag of coffee grounds, "hmm. Dear hunting-hack" 

"One of the perks of being a part-time barista" he shrugged "I assume your father didn't bring a bloodhound to play fetch" "Yeah, he doesn't tell me shit- You must think it's weird I'm stalking him"

"no, we constantly stalk our parents," Wednesday said with her usual blank expression "Hey, so uh what really happened the other night at the festival?"' Now I just want to go back to Nevermore and sleep.

"I thought Rowan was in danger turns out I was wrong then he proceeded to use his telekinesis to choke me to death," She said blankly "Holy shit, Why would he do that?" "No idea. that's when the monster came out of the shadows and gutted him.

"Woah... Woah- So you really saw it? and it didn't try to kill you?" He changed his tone "It actually saved me from Rowan, that's the part I'm trying to figure out, I came out here to try and find something that can prove his murder and that I haven't lost my mind... yet"

"Weds" I muttered "Look" I pointed to the grass which had a familiar pair of glasses as Rowan. "these are Rowans" she bent down "I knew it was a cover-up, Claire change. I wanna make sure I got the right glasses"

"Alright" I nodded touching the glasses before feeling a small tingle down my spine, Next thing I know I was Rowan himself. "See" Wednesday lifted up the glasses to my eyes "Perfect match"

"Woah you can shapeshift?" Tyler said from behind "Nothing special" Suddenly Wednesday's head shot back once more, "Hey-"

"Don't touch her," I stopped him knowing it was one of her visions, When she snapped back Tyler went up to her "You okay?"


"Oh my god WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN" Opening the door a girl came up to her with her eyes red probably from crying "I'm literally having a heart attack right now" Looking her up and down I wanted to laugh 

"Yoko and her friend are in the infirmary right now" She panicked "what happened?" "Garlic bread incident at dinner they had a major allergic reaction and they're out of the Poe cup" 

"And I don't have a co-pilot" Her pacing started making me panic too "Well I could convince my sister to join"

"You would do that for me?" I was a little taken back "Don't make me change my mind, Enid, Tell me how she keeps winning" "It's a real brain cramp the past two years no other boat has made it across and back without sinking" 

"Sounds like sabotage" I muttered back "there are no rules in the Poe cup and she is a siren which makes her master of water" I smiled walking towards Enid expecting her to take a step back but she didn't "We just need to beat her at her own game"


"We're all set" I whispered to Wednesday who wasn't enjoying this at all "good, thing's in position" "Wanna tell me what you two were up to?" I smiled "and spoil the surprise?"

"Speaking of surprises" Enid cut in "Your costumes are in the tent" "Enid I swear..."


"Why did you make me do this," She said in a straight tone "Cause I'm your sister, and you love me" "Sadly" was the last thing she said before leaving the tent "OMG, You look perfect...The only thing where are your whiskers" I heard Enid and Wednesday talk outside, Not wanting to go out cause of this stupid costume.

ᴀʟʟᴜʀɪɴɢ ──Enid SinclairWhere stories live. Discover now