Chapter X

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*Sirius Black's POV*

I ran through the entrance doors and down the island. My fur was getting wet from the rain, but I didn't care. I ran through the rocks and sand, making my way to the ocean. I jumped inside the water and started my long swim to the mainland.


When I arrived in Surry, England, my first stop was Little Whinging. That was where Harry Potter lived with his Aunt Petunia and her family. I wanted to check on my godson before I took my revenge on Peter Pettigrew. As I made my way through the streets, I noticed how much things have changed throughout the years.

I was in Azkaban for a long while, huh?

Walking into a neighborhood, I realized a problem. I didn't know which house Harry lived in. I would just have to check every house through the window. One by one, I searched every house while probably looking like a stray dog trying to get adopted by going through people's backyards.

Is that a balloon... made of a person?

All of the sudden I see something floating in the sky, like some sort of balloon. It kept crying for help, this must be a wizard's doing. It must've been Harry! I ran towards the house where the balloon (?) floated from. I sneaked through the backyard and saw my godson, Harry Potter. He had Windsor glasses and soft brown hair. He was currently having an argument with his Aunt and Uncle, probably because of the balloon he just made. He stormed out of the room making him no longer observable.

He stormed out the house with luggage and his owl in the cage. I followed him to make sure he was safe, but then he suddenly stopped. He looked at the alleyway I was in and I quickly backed away out of sight. He stood there for a moment then kept on moving down the street.

It would be better if I went to Hogwarts first. I'm sure he can handle himself from here.


*3rd Person POV*

"I made my way to the grounds of Hogwarts where I took shelter in the Forbidden Forest and Hogsmeade Village." Sirius said to Harry, who was listening intently.

"So that's who that was. I thought it was just a stray animal that was passing through the alleyway." Harry whispered under his breath.

"You know the rest of the story from then on," Sirius said, stretching his arms. "That's all there is to my story." Harry looked at Sirius with a puzzled look. Sirius paid no attention to it, he was picking the grass that was below him.

"Wait, that's all?" asked Harry. "Like all of it?"

"Yes it is." Sirius said once again. A light breeze hit and made Sirius' hair sway in the wind. He took his hair and made a bun so it would stop disturbing him. "There was a special reason I told you this whole story, Harry." he continued.

"And that reason is?" queried Harry with a curious look. He was still fiddling with the string of the blanket, he even ripped some of them by accident.

"I believe that something major is about to happen." Sirius revealed with a slight nervous expression.

"Something major? Like what?"

"Such as Voldemort coming back. You know he is out to get you, Harry."

"I know, I know. But what makes you so sure?" questioned the godson. Sirius looked forward, taking a deep breath then making eye contact with Harry once more.

"It's just a gut feeling. A sense of paranoia." explained Sirius. "That's exactly the reason why I told you this experience of mine, so you can take it and learn from it. It was all about keeping you safe from whatever evil there is out there." Sirius reached for Harry's shoulder. "Take it as a guide to help you with future experiences."

Harry stayed silent for a while, processing what his godfather just said. Finally, he replied. "I understand, Sirius. I will use your experience as a guide for my own experiences to keep myself out of any possible danger." Sirius gave Harry more pats on the head and pulled Harry closer to him by his shoulder, giving him a side .

"Well look at that. It's already morning." Sirius said as he looked at the sunrise with Harry. The moon was no longer there and was replaced with the sun, giving the sky an orangey color.

Harry nodded with a smile, "A new day to begin." 

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