Chapter II

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*Sirius Black's POV*

13 years ago...

"Stop! It wasn't me! I've been framed!" I exclaimed. The Aurors were dragging me through the port by my arms, including a piece of wood that was holding my wrists in place. My feet were sliding across the floor, refusing to be taken away to Azkaban. The Aurors kept looking forward, despite my cries. I kept shouting I was innocent, pleading for the Aurors to let me go. Barty Crouch Sr, the man who ordered I'd be imprisoned, came from behind the Aurors.

"Drop him." he commanded.

The Aurors let go, leaving me to fall on my knees. Crouch approached me and dropped to one knee to meet my gaze.

"If you've been 'framed', who was it?" Crouch said with a questioning look, his left on.

"It was Peter Pettigrew!"

Barty Crouch's face formed a frown and his eyes turned blank, unamused by my answer. He spread his hand across his temple, looking at the floor below.

"Of course, it wasn't Peter Pettigrew, Sirius Black. Peter is dead, you murdered him and 12 muggles!"

"What evidence do you have to prove that I did such a thing?!"

"You murdered Peter, that is very clear! All that you left at the crime scene was a single finger!" Crouch declared while holding one finger, emphasizing his point.

That coward. Was so scared of getting caught, he resorted to cutting off his finger.

I was furious, how dare he frame me for betraying my dear friends? Not to mention cutting off his finger to deflect humiliation. The years that he spent with the Potters meant nothing to him. It was clear that his loyalty to that Lord Voldemort is greater than that of Lily and James' friendship.

"Your anger only shows that I'm right. Clearly, the friendship you had with Peter didn't stop you from killing him." Crouch proclaimed intending to infuriate me even further. His plan worked. Without a thought, I smashed my forehead into Crouch's head, making him plummet to the ground. He groaned at the pain, quickly sitting up to rub his forehead. Now I've made him frustrated. He looked at me with his eyebrows furrowed while standing up.

"If you take me to Azkaban, you'll be sending an innocent man to that dreadful place. Do you really want to live with that on your conscience?!" I spoke staring deep into his eyes.

"Aurors," Crouch said with a snap of his fingers. "Take him away. He'll pay for the harm he's done once he enters Azkaban."

The Aurors followed his command and grabbed me by the arms like they were previously. They started dragging me closer to the end of the port where there was a small boat that would transport me to Azkaban.

"Oh, Sirius!" Crouch called out from behind me. The Aurors stopped at the sound of his voice. The Aurors and I turned our heads to where Crouch was to see what he had to say.

"Say hi to the dementors for me." Crouch said with a crooked grin. My eyes widened at the sick words. The Aurors then continued once Crouch nodded them off.


*3rd Person POV*

Back to the present day...

"And with that, they took me away on that little boat." Sirius explained, he had picked up a leaf that was being blown by air and now twirling it in his fingers. Harry watched his godfather intently, waiting for him to speak once more. Sirius took a deep breath with his eyes closed, relaxing a bit. Telling the story took more out of him than he expected, and that's only the beginning of the story.

"The story does not end there, mind you. I have to summarize 12 years of my life into a single night, so be attentive now would you?" Sirius said, letting out an exhausted sigh.

"I will, Sirius. There is an important reason you are telling me this, right? I don't think you would've bothered to tell me otherwise, so I know to take this seriously." Harry spoke with a gentle and understanding voice.

The godfather turned to him and said "Thank you, Harry." with a kind smile.

"Were the Aurors hard to travel with Sirius?" queried Harry.

"Well, no. They kept to themselves and didn't speak to me unless they needed to. When we were on our way to Azkaban, we encountered storms. I tried to crack jokes to lighten the mood, but they just stared blankly at me. Quite a tough crowd." he let out an exaggerated sigh.

"Although..." Sirius hesitated and looked at the ground below him. Harry quickly caught this and asked, "What is it, Sirius?"

Sirius turned away from the floor and onto the full moon, his hair covering his expression. "As I was about to get off the boat and onto the grounds of Azkaban, one of the Aurors pulled me aside. It was a young lady. She said to me 'Be careful out there, Sirius Black. I wish you the best of luck.' Although she still had a blank expression, her eyes lit up and were gentle when she said that to me. I think she believed me when I said I was innocent. Quite a nice girl indeed. I never got to thank her for the kind words."

"She sounds like she had to toughen herself for the job."

"Yes, she does." he turned to Harry. "A girl like her would be suited for you. Kind, caring, strong, and sticks to her morals. Thinking about it, she was fairly pretty." Sirius said with an innocent smile.

Harry didn't look as amused. His cheeks were a tint of red, his eyebrows were furrowed, his eyes were widened, and he grew in embarrassment. "Stop joking around." Harry proclaimed, softly punching Sirius in the shoulder. Sirius let out a loud laugh.

At least it made him laugh. He hasn't laughed since he started telling me the story. I hope he doesn't suffer too much. Harry thought with a sad smile, watching his godfather laugh his heart out.

"I'm sorry- I apologize, just the look on your face was hilarious! I couldn't help myself." Sirius said as he settled down. He patted Harry on the head, using it as an apology.

"Uhuh, just continue already." Harry said, still embarrassed, looking at the ground to avoid Sirius' gaze.

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