My Sweet Pet

292 16 3

yes, hello!!
i uh
well, this story is a clusterfuck bc it's extremely self indulgent
like zamn i want moira to lock me up and make me her pet
daaaaaamn bro
so if the story makes NO sense
that's normal
i didn't proofread it or anything (i never do w anything i write lmfao)
still, i hope you enjoy my deep desires come to life in this story
idk if i'll post more bc
hooooooly fuck i love reinhardt too
but rn it's all about moira
anyway, see ya!
i'mma log the HECC out


You'd always been considered... strange by your peers.

Always several steps ahead when it came to schoolwork and learning, but lagging far behind with your social skills.

You never really... made any friends.

At least, none that stuck around.

You were far happier reading studies conducted by various scientists, in any field you found.

Most of your time was spent on the computer, writing and sucking up any knowledge you could, surpassing most your age.

You were... lonely.

No one to talk to.

Your parents were saddened at your loneliness, but with both of them working most days, they resorted to buying you whatever you wanted, no matter how 'out there' it may have been.

You never lacked sources of information.

If you had a question, you'd search for an answer, and 9 times out of 10, you'd receive it.

It frustrated you to no end if no one had the answer, or worse... if no one had bothered to ask the question.

Surely someone must have thought it, so why not ask?

Even as you reached the age where most moved out, you were unable to.

Mostly due to the fact your parents were terrified you wouldn't be able handle the real world and all it had to offer, good and bad, so always made up excuses to keep you home.

You didn't mind.

You were given what you needed, and much more.

You had little to complain about.

Still... you couldn't help but wonder what was out there.

If there was anything for you.

Life works in strange ways, and you'd soon find that out.

Your parents tried to leave you in the dark about the... not-so-ethical organisation they were supporting behind the scenes, but you weren't stupid.

You'd seen the hints.

How they'd keep up with them more than the average person, the suspicious meetings, and most damningly of all, the documents they'd been in a hurry to close, forgetting to close the popup asking if they wanted to save the file, thinking all was fine, only for you to find it.

You kept quiet, of course.

While it was none of your business, you kept your ears perked for any further hints, wanting to know why they'd want to support something like that.

It intrigued you.

Your father became sick.

With what, he wouldn't say, neither would your mother, but even you could figure out it was serious.

Going to doctor after doctor, none could seemingly figure out how to treat it.

Hell, they even went to someone who was considered the best of the best.

(Overwatch) My Sweet Pet (Moira X F!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now