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Another normal day, another normal morning in the world of Kamado Tanjiro, a deaf boy who lived with his 5 siblings and his mother. His father had passed away a few years ago and his mom was left alone to take care of all of them, though she was the most caring mother anyone could have. She never made her eldest son, Tanjiro feel like he was a burden to her, but in the end of the day the boy still felt like a burden to his family.

"And then-" Just as I was reading my book I felt a hand on my shoulder, as I turned around to look who is was, it was my mom.

"Remember the old…some.. Is moving… there" My mom said to me, well that was what I heard through my hearing aids.

"What?could you repeat that a bit louder?" I said, clearly confused to what she meant.


"Ohh well that's great I guess" I said smiling, and turned to my book again.


"Great joke mom, I don't have any friends at school and everyone my age in this neighborhood thinks I am different than them, and then they don't wanna be friends with me, why do you think "Teenager" Will become my friend?"

"Don't… s.. tha..!" mom said, crossing her arms.

"Sorry.. " I said lowering my head, she took a deep sigh and hugged me.

"It's alright sweety, you are perfect the way you ar.. " I could hear her a bit clearly since she was close to my ear. He pulled away, kissed me on the head and left.

I placed my book on my bookshelf and went to sleep


The next day, I woke and saw from my window, there was a small truck next to the old house mom was talking about. So people really are sifting in that house. There was this one window which was really close to my bedroom's other window. So if someone was living there, I could talk with them like those romantic shit in books and movies. But not like this person was gonna talk with me, and even if they did not like I could hear them. Sometimes I wish I wasn't deaf, but eh not like it matters! I am perfect! Atleast that's what my siblings and mom says.

I got out of bed and went down stairs to help mom. It was Saturday so I didn't had school.

Time flew by really fast as it was 2 pm already, I ate my lunch and went upstairs and started studying. I didn't had any hobbies, If helping my mom in the bakery can be said as a hobbie so yea, that was my hobbie.


"Muichiro! Can you put that box over there!" I heard my grandpa yell

"Hmm!" That was all I said, well that was the only thing I could force to come out of my mouth was.

I placed the box as I was told to and waited for grandpa. He came back down stairs and said.

"Muichiro, you can go upstairs and fix your room! Your furniture and other things are where they should be but just make yourself comfortable!" Grandpa said

I nodded and went upstairs, as he said there was already everything where it should be. I unpacked my things and started arranging the room

An hour later I was finally done and could rest for awhile. I opened my window to see another window right in front of my window. The curtains were closed so I couldn't see anything. I just went back down stairs to help my grandpa. But to my surprise he had already finished everything in the house, just a little work was left.

"Ah Muichiro, Don't worry dear you can go back to your room, get some rest! I will too"

In sign language I pointed with my hands "Alright grandpa" And left. Yes, I can't speak, I was born with this disability.

I went back to my room and I laid on my bed, I was just staring at the ceiling when I thought why not open the curtains of my window. I opened the curtains and I again revealed to the same scenario, but this time the curtains of that window were open.

The boy noticed I was staring at him and came closer to the window, I got scared and quickly closed my curtains, panicking that he will think I was stalking him, but instead I was greeted with a..

"Hey! Don't worry! No need to be afraid of me! We are neighbours after all!"

He wasn't mad? I thought to myself, I peeked though the curtains and he was giving me this warm smile. I smiled back and went inside to bring a notebook where I could write and tell him what I want to say. Since I didn't know if this boy knew sign language.

I got my notebook and wrote "hi"

I showed it to him and he said

"Hello! My name is Tanjiro yours?"

I wrote back "My name is Muichiro"

"That's a really pretty name you have!" I blushed a little on that comment, I wrote "Thank you!"

"So Muichiro-san, may I know why you are using a notebook to communicate? It's ok if you aren't comfortable!"

I wrote " Oh well, I can't speak, that's why I'm using this notebook, I sometimes wish I wasn't this way"

After I showed it to him, his smile went away abit, he smiled again and said

"Oh, that's alright! No-need to feel like you are different than others! I am deaf! I can't hear people properly aswell! But it doesn't bother me! And so should you never feel like that!"

It made me smile, he was so kind!

"Btw you must know sign language right?! We can talk in sigh language so you won't have to use that notebook, it must be tiring to write in it"

I nodded and we started talking in sigh language. We talked about our hoobies, what we liked and things. I was loving it! He was the first person other than my family who used sign language to talk with me.

He asked me in sigh language, "Who do you live with?"

I replied with "My grandpa!"

He replied back with "Only your grandpa? What about your parents?"

My smile faded away instantly after that specific question. I stood there for a moment before answering.

"Well, I didn't always live with my grandpa, I had a twin brother and caring parents. My twin brother, Yuichiro, could talk like a normal person, I couldn't but even with that, they loved us equally. Until my mom caught a fever which soon turned into Bronchitis, it got so worse to the point she couldn't even get up from her bed. One night, my father had to rush her to the hospital and my brother, Yuichiro went with them. I stayed with my grandpa, except my family died in a car crash and I lost them forever. Ever since tean I live with my grandfather." My hands were hurting after that and tears were threatening to leave my eyes.

He looked at me with pity and sorrow. He said "I AM SO SORRY FOR ASKING THAT PLEASE DON'T CRY I AM SO SORRY!! I DIDN'T KNOW I AM SO SORRY!"  he said feeling guilty.

I wiped away my tears, forcing a smile and poined in sigh language "It's alright, it happened when I was 11, it's been 5 years since than I am recovering from it"

He forced a smile and said


I nodded and smiled.

End of Chapter One

•°^Word count:1307^°•

{Dayum- this dead writer started another book? Chapter two will be on 3rd December! ༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽}

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