Chapter 22

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It felt like a thousand needles were stabbing their way through Amari's skull when he woke up. He heard distant chatter, a mix of animals and human voices, before slowly opening his eyes, squinting against the harsh light. Amari slowly sat up, rubbing his temples.

"A – Amari?" Alarmed, Amari turned his head sharply, regretting it as another needle inserted his head. Max was staring back at him with wide worried eyes. He tried to think back before he passed out. But he couldn't remember anything.

Amari remembered being scared, but feeling brave, energy surging through himself as he rushed forward, pushing one of the creatures into the wall, he had punched another and then...He was punched in the back of the head. Then everything went black. No, white. Energy was booming out of him as the sounds of animals, trees, vines, started getting louder. Screaming at him, telling him they'd help him.

"How did you –" Amari questioned before taking in his surroundings fully. They were somewhere in a wood, Max was sitting on a fallen tree trunk and next to him was...A mountain lion? It was a huge, orange cat with antlers. "A-Aayma?" Amari said shakily. The big cat chirped as she sat up. Hello.

Amari stared open – mouthed at the new Aayma. She had three eyes with no pupils, only white irises and two antlers. "Y-you look..." Amari trailed off, looking down at his own hands, which smelled of baby wipes. They had markings on them, running up his arm, it looked like he had been struck with lightning in those areas.

You're coming into yourself. Just as I had. Aayma stood up and walked over to Amari, rubbing her huge body against him, and purring contently. The long-awaited prophecy may yet come true. The cat then sat down and looked at Amari with serious looking eyes. Which means that evil creatures, - such as the Flameheads – are going to pick up on your power and try to take it from you. Max is the only one who wanted to help. The others have given up. They believe that the prophecy has failed. It won't come true.

"But it won't." Amari said. "I refuse to die. Or to kill whatever creature I'm supposed to lead him to. I don't know how but they don't deserve it. No. I'm not doing it." Amari shook his head and stood up, swaying a little. Max quickly stood up and grabbed Amari's shoulders, balancing him.

"Look, thanks but, no. I'm not – I – I cant." Amari pushed away from Max, clutching at his stomach.

You're mistaken. You were never meant to. For centuries, the prophecies been misread. Other guides weren't meant to die! Aayma stood up and began pacing around Amari, meowing loudly. You're supposed to have guards to ensure your safety as you regain the power of nature,

"Then why'd they say different!" Amari shouted, becoming frustrated at this new information. "And why didn't you tell me sooner?" Aayma stopped pacing and sat down, grooming herself.

I hadn't pieced it together. I do hope the others realize the true prophecy, not the misinterpreted one. But, nevertheless, You and Max have a Past Connection. Which is why he's here. Luckily he's the most resourceful of the bunch. Please, say you'll continue.

Amari let out a deep breath before staring at his newly formed friend. "What exactly are you?" He asked. Same as you are. A Guide. An animal guide, for you specifically. It's – I'll be honest, my memory is a bit foggy. But I'll be honest and tell you everything I know from now on. I promise. Now Amari, with you please, complete the prophecy?

Amari looked from Aayma to Max before letting out a defeated sigh. "Fine. As long as I don't die." Aayma jumped excitedly and ran in a circle. You won't die, I promise.

"I – I don't, what's going on?" Max asked, looking confusedly from Amari to Aayma.

Amari told Max what him and Aayma were talking about, then told him what had happened to him, from when he entered the city, to his time in the building, and what they had done to him.

"W – well it's a g-good thing they're dead now." Max said reassuringly. Amari froze, looking at Max with a fear – stricken face.

"Dead? D – did I – "

"N-No!" Max interrupted quickly, seeing the guilt building up in Amari's face. "I uh, s-set the building o-on fire so yeah, all their plans and experiments are gone and s-so are them."

"You burned them alive?" Amari asked, even more alarmed. Max stared at Amari, unsure what he should tell him now.

"So, uh, are we still traveling a-at n – night or...What's t-the plan?" He asked.

"Yeah, we'll leave when it get a bit darker. But I don't think we'll have any farther to go. I can feel them." Amari said, ignoring the abrupt subject change and digging at the ground with a stick.

"Them? Y-you mean the monster? The creature?" Max asked. Amari nodded, laying his chin on his knees. "Okay." Max nodded, settling with his back against the tree trunk.

Just as the sun began to set, Amari and Max began to pack up their belongings. Mainly Max since Amari's bag had seemingly vanished, one of the Flameheads must've taken it. Max shared some of his Instant Water Pellets and even gave Aayma one. Then, they headed off.

Amari stared down at the glowing path that lie ahead of him. Wishing that he could find some way away from it. But it wouldn't leave him. Not until this was over. "So what did the others say? Penny and Aoshanay? After I left?" Amari asked, looking over at Max who was staring over at the river beside them. It looked beautiful under the orange sky. He looked over at Amari and shrugged.

"Me and Aoshanay wanted to follow you but, Penelope convinced u – us we shouldn't." Max looked down, kicking a rock for a few steps before stopping all together and looking sadly at Amari. "Did you feel...funny?"

"What do you mean?" Amari asked, stopping as well. Aayma stretched, let out a yawn and decided to groom herself.

"When you left us? Did you feel anything? L – like a pull?" Amari thought back to when he stormed off angerly.

"No." He shook his head. "I just remember feeling angry. And betrayed." He said pointedly, crossing his arms. Max looked away guiltily.

"I – I'm sorry. I was supposed t – to take y – your phone. B – b – but I just c – couldn't. I – I – I..." Max trailed off, scratching the back of his neck, pulling at the hairs on the back of his head. "I'm sorry."

Amari let his arms drop and looked behind Max at the river. "It's fine. At least you came back. Perfect timing by the way." Amari added with a smile before turning and continuing down the path. Max let out a small chuckle before walking beside Amari. 

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