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Okay all, it's day two of this challenge and I'm definitely feeling very merry right now, especially since I haven't written this consistently in ages

Anyway, today the Universe I am writing is once again: Rainbow Quest Aftermath
Location: Professor Red's lab

The characters I will be using: Professor Red and Assistant Steve

Adding on, Assistant Steve is nonbinary (I headcanon this so I'm using it) and uses he/they pronouns

It was night time in the Red Kingdom, and all was quiet. Well..almost all was quiet. Assistant Steve watched as Professor Red ran around, looking for stuff and talking to himself. It continued this way for a solid ten or so minutes before Assistant Steve finally spoke up, "Professor Red, please, calm down for a moment, do you need my assistance in any way?" Professor Red stopped before looking at Assistant Steve, "Ah, well, uh..Assistant Steve, I can't find the decorations for Christmas." He rubbed the back of his neck, looking kind of sheepish, he put the decorations away last year and he couldn't remember where, in fact, it's been this way every single year, he puts the decorations somewhere he swears he will remember, but then as soon as next December comes around he has no idea where he put them. Assistant Steve sighs, placing a hand to their face, "Again? Professor Red this happens every year." "I know, I can't help it Assistant."

Assistant Steve looks back in his memory, "Searching for where you told me it was last year." It took a few minutes as over this past year, Assistant Steve had learned and retained a lot of knowledge, but soon enough he recalled where they were, "Ah, you stored it away in some storage space in the observatory." Professor Red took a moment to take in this knowledge before gasping, "Aha! I did do that! Oh how could I have forgotten.." He looked disappointed. Assistant Steve placed their hand on his shoulder, "As I said, this happens every year, don't be so bummed out, it could happen to anyone, but not me, as I am very clever, unlike most of those morons...not implying that you are a moron, you are very smart." Assistant Steve would never insult Professor Red. Ever. If they did they would be disappointed in themself, they would never want to upset the Steve who created them. Professor Red chuckled softly, "Yep, you are clever. Would you like to help me put up the Christmas decorations?"

Assistant Steve paused, Professor Red had never asked him to help put up Christmas decorations before, probably cause the Professor had been so used to doing a lot of things alone, and the idea of helping him with this both made him feel nervous..yet also quite excited, two emotions they never knew could go together, "Are- Are you sure, Professor? What if break them?" "Then we get new ones! The ones we have right now are a good few years old now anyway." Assistant Steve nodded, "Alright, I'll go grab them from the observatory for you." "Be quick kiddo!"


An couple of hours or so had passed since then and Professor Red and Assistant Steve were deep into putting up decorations, Professor Red singing jolly Christmas tunes, and while he may not be perfect at singing, Assistant Steve certainly didn't mind, in fact, it added to the festive spirit, and even made him begin feeling very merry, a feeling that was hard to come by for Assistant Steve, as feeling in general was not his forte. The lab already looked spectacular, lights hanging up, the tree set up and all decorated. Before they both knew it they were done.

Assistant Steve and Professor Red both took a good look around, walking through the lab, they both tended to forget how big the lab was until they got it all decorated for Christmas, the entire place was ready for the festive season. A rare, really happy, smile crossed Assistant Steve's face, all of his and Professor Red's had work had paid off! It was then that his father hugged him close, grinning ear to ear, before pulling back and taking his kiddo by the hands, "Let's sing together, I know the perfect Christmas song!"

And so they sang, merrily into the night, so caught up that they remained that way till morning, going through multiple songs, at least one of them didn't need sleep.

This one is so much shorter than yesterdays one, putting up decorations and singing Christmas songs was the only way I knew to make it merry 😭

I hope this one is enjoyed-

Anyway the total word count for this one is: 784 words!

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